Unternehmenssanierungen und Insolvenzverfahren

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    Slovenia enacts Act on Purchasers and Servicers of Non-Per­forming Loans

    On 24 February 2024, the Slovenian Act on Purchasers and Servicers of Non-Performing Loans of Banks (Zakon o kupcih in serviserjih nedonosnih kreditov bank) entered into force. The Act transposes Directive (EU) 2021/2167 of the European Parliament and Council dated 24 November 2021 on Credit Servicers and Credit Purchasers into Slovenian law. The Act creates a legal framework for the comprehensive resolution of non-performing bank loans (NPLs), sets up mechanisms for their sale and servicing, seeks to improve NPL management, and fosters the development of the secondary NPL market...

    Portugal’s failure to transpose the EU NPL Directive leaves an impact on the local market

    Although the deadline for transposing the NPL Directive was 29 December 2023, Portugal has not yet transposed this EU directive on non-performing loans into national law.Portuguese political parties have expressed their intent to approve the relevant legislation in the new parliament, but currently there are no drafts or working documents. In this context, one Portuguese party presented a draft resolution to Parliament (Projeto de Resolução n.º 46/XVI/1.ª), which recommends that the government transpose the NPL Directive as a matter of national urgency. In this interim...

    Listing Act i zmiany wchodzące w życie już w pierwszym tygodniu grudnia 2024 r.

    Już 4 grudnia 2024 r. wejdą w życie pierwsze zmiany wprowadzone na podstawie tzw. Listing Act, mające na celu zwiększenie atrakcyjności rynków kapitałowych w UE. Z perspektywy emitentów i potencjalnych emitentów, kluczowe zmiany dotyczą tzw. rozporządzenia prospektowego i rozporządzenia MAR. Poniżej znajduje się podsumowanie najważniejszych zmian wprowadzanych przez Listing Act:Najważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu MAR:Wejście w życieNajważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu...

    How Ukraine’s banking sector tackles NPLs during wartime

    Ukraine’s banking system is facing significant challenges because of the ongoing war, yet it has shown remarkable resilience and flexibility. The following analysis outlines the impact of the war on loan performance, economic growth, and the banking system in general, highlighting trends in non-performing loans (NPLs), lending activity, and reforms that are expected in Ukraine in the near future.Impact of war on NPLsUkraine had experienced a consistent decline in NPLs since 2018, signaling improvements in the health of its financial sector. The war, however, disrupted this progress, introducing...

    NPLs in German commercial real estate countered by regulation and changing economic conditions

    The financing of commercial real estate in Germany is currently under strain. The increase in non-performing loans (NPLs) in the commercial real estate sector is enormous and is putting both borrowers and financiers at risk. Regulation and supervision by national and European authorities, however, are playing a decisive role in overcoming the NPL problem along with changing economic conditions. In this article, the third in a series, we explore the rise of NPLs in German commercial real estate, the impact of this on the markets, and the response by regulators at the national and EU level.BackgroundNPLs...

    Germany’s new secondary credit market act designed to increase acquisition of NPLs

    The business landscape in Germany is facing a major challenge: insolvencies and defaults on loans are on the rise. But where there are risks, there are also opportunities. The increase in non-performing loans (NPLs) is opening and creating an exciting playing field for investors. With the new German Secondary Credit Market Act (KrZwMG), the legislature wants to create an efficient market to reduce the high number of NPLs. In this article, the second in a series on NPLs in Germany, we look at current trends, risks and opportunities relating to NPL transactions.Non-performing loans and corporate...