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    United Kingdom

    Increasing the GMC’s scope of regulation but at what cost?

    Background: reforms to regulatory frameworksThe UK’s healthcare regulatory landscape is currently undergoing significant change, with various reforms expected to improve how healthcare professionals are regulated. Central to these reforms is the inclusion of additional roles, such as Physician Associates (PAs) and Anaesthesia Associates (AAs), into the General Medical Council (GMC)’s scope of regulation.This shift aims to streamline the regulatory process, improve accountability, and ensure patient safety across the healthcare sector. However, as the GMC prepares to assume regulatory...
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    Listing Act i zmiany wchodzące w życie już w pierwszym tygodniu grudnia 2024 r.

    Już 4 grudnia 2024 r. wejdą w życie pierwsze zmiany wprowadzone na podstawie tzw. Listing Act, mające na celu zwiększenie atrakcyjności rynków kapitałowych w UE. Z perspektywy emitentów i potencjalnych emitentów, kluczowe zmiany dotyczą tzw. rozporządzenia prospektowego i rozporządzenia MAR. Poniżej znajduje się podsumowanie najważniejszych zmian wprowadzanych przez Listing Act:Najważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu MAR:Wejście w życieNajważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu...
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    China Overhauls its Rules of Foreign Strategic Investment in A-share Listed Companies

    On 1 November 2024, the long-awaited Administrative Measures for Strategic Investments in Listed Companies by Foreign Investors (“New Measures”) were jointly released by six government departments, including the Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) and the Securities Regulatory Commission. The New Measures have taken effect on 2 December 2024. They introduce significant changes, in particular in the areas of eligibility of foreign investors, investment modes, shareholding ratio threshold, lock-up period, and other obligations of the parties concerned.Currently, valuations in...
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    United Kingdom

    The CJC Review of Pre-Action Protocols – Phase Two Report (Final) now published

    On 15 November 2021, the UK's Civil Justice Council (CJC) published an Interim Report initiating a consultation on pre-action protocols (PAPs).  The consultation closed in January 2022. CMS responded to the consultation with interest, given the potential impact on the legal industry and insurers/insureds alike.It is the responsibility of the CJC, through its designated Working Group (WG), to make recommendations to the Civil Procedure Rules Committee (CPRC). It is for the CPRC to accept or reject those recommendations and draft the revised PAPs.The CJC's response was published in two parts....
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    Advertising discount pricing in Swiss retail: a closer look at compliance with the Price Indication Ordinance

    Swiss retailers advertise shift to discount pricing"How Low Can We Go?" asks a Swiss retailer provocatively on the cover of its latest magazine. The answer that follows: "As low as the discounters."Swiss retailers are lowering prices to match discounter levels, intensifying competition for customers. Consequently, Swiss retailers are stepping up their advertising with bold promotions using terms such as "TIEFPREIS" (German for "Low Price"), "FRISCH GESENKT" ("Freshly Reduced")" or "zum Discountpreis" ("Discount price"). These assertive price claims, however, raise the question: How are such claims...
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    United Kingdom

    Assisted Dying – is the UK ready for assisted dying to become a real option of choice?

    The debate surrounding assisted dying in the UK has gained momentum over the last few months following the introduction of two bills in both the House of Lords and the House of Commons, Kim Leadbeater’s Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill having been published this week. Assisted dying has been a topic of debate for many years, could legislative change be on the horizon?Previous bills have failedThe courts have consistently held that the right to die is a matter for Parliament to decide. Lord Falconer introduced the Assisted Dying Bill to the House of Lords in 2014. Although it advanced...
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