Trustee training – 11 June 2013

United Kingdom

Trustee training is essential for all occupational pension scheme trustees and forms an important part of helping trustees to comply with the trustee knowledge and understanding requirements in the Pensions Act 2004. The Act requires trustees to have a knowledge and understanding of the law relating to pensions, trusts, investment and funding and to be conversant with a variety of scheme documents. This course aims at providing trustees with the basic understanding of pensions and trust law needed to satisfy that element of the knowledge and understanding requirement.

The CMS Cameron McKenna trustee training course is focused on pensions law and trusts but also deals with the basic principles in relation to investment and funding. It will be led by experienced lawyers from the firm. The course gives trustees practical advice on dealing with situations that commonly arise in trustees’ meetings through talks, discussion and interaction. Numbers are strictly limited to ensure full participation by delegates. A comprehensive pack of course material will be supplied.

Our next course will be held on 11 June 2013 and is suitable for recently appointed trustees and those seeking refresher training.

The topics covered will include:

  • Basic legislative requirements
  • Role of the trustee and key trustee duties
  • Investment and funding
  • Scheme documentation
  • Management issues for trustees (including dealing with conflicts of interest)
  • Disputes and liabilities

The emphasis of the course is on final salary schemes but the majority of the issues covered (other than funding) are relevant to money purchase schemes as well.

In addition to our regular trustee training courses, we are also able to provide courses tailor made to the requirements of a particular scheme. Please contact Mark Grant on +44 (0)20 7367 2325 for more information about this service.


CMS Cameron McKenna LLP
Mitre House
160 Aldersgate Street
London EC1A 4DD
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7367 3000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7367 2000

Date and timings

Tuesday 11 June 2013

9.30am Registration
10.00am Course begins
4.00pm Course ends

How to register

The cost per delegate is £290 plus VAT (at 20% giving at total of £348). This includes refreshments (breakfast at registration, tea/coffee and lunch) and supporting delegate materials.

To reserve your place(s) simply complete and return the registration form with your remittance to Chisha Amaechi at the above address. Alternatively, if you wish to pay by credit card, please indicate this on the registration form and we will contact you to arrange payment.

Cheques should be made payable to CMS Cameron McKenna LLP. For further information please contact Chisha Amaechi on +44 (0)20 7367 3331 or email [email protected]