Hungarian medical aid distributors to submit price increase notification


By virtue of Government Decree No. 113/2022, the National Public Health Centre (NPHC) announced a price notification procedure that went into force on 23 March 2022.

Entities placing certain reimbursed medical aids (gyógyászati segédeszközök) on the Hungarian market can submit a request to the NPHC to increase the price of these products, which initiative is long-awaited by the sector.

The category of medical aids is specific to Hungary and covers any medical device for personal use by patients suffering a temporary or persistent health impairment or disability (including self-testing in vitro diagnostic medical devices), and other technical devices for nursing and caring purposes, which are not medical devices, but designed for use without the continued presence of a healthcare professional.

The Decree lists the medical aids affected by the price increase and specifies a maximum price for these products. This maximum price should be taken into account in respect of products for which a price higher than the maximum price was submitted. Companies placing these medical aids on the market had five business days to submit their price notifications.

On the basis of the price notifications received, the NPHC will publish, among others, the price of the concerned medical aids, which will serve as a basis for public funding as well as the amount of the provided reimbursement. This publication will be made until 6 April 2022.

For further information on the Hungarian pharmaceutical industry, contact your regular CMS advisor or local CMS experts.