Corporation for Deposit Insurance aka CoDI: A new dawn or dusk in financial security?

South Africa
The true test of CoDI's success will lie in its ability to protect a wide range of depositors.


A recent collapse of several banks has exposed the fragility of the global banking system and spurred urgent discussions around securing depositors' funds. In response to this financial turbulence, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has launched the Corporation for Deposit Insurance (CoDI), offering somewhat of a lifeline to depositors in South Africa. This article delves into the general factors behind recent bank failures, the details of CoDI, and whether this new financial safety net can prevent a similar catastrophe from unfolding.

Unravelling the factors behind recent bank failures

The reasons behind the recent banking crisis, including billions withdrawn during several panic-driven bank runs, can be traced to two critical factors:

Mismanagement of deposits

The inability of the banks in question to deploy its deposits in loans to companies contributed significantly to their collapse. As they sought to increase the yield on excess deposits, they invested in long-duration assets just before interest rates started to rise, resulting in the loss of billions on their securities portfolio.

Lack of diversification

The banks' heavy investment in government bonds and other assets led to unrealised losses. The banks' high-risk approach and poor balance sheet management eroded public confidence, triggering the devastating bank runs.


CoDI: an overview

In line with the SARB's objectives to protect and enhance financial stability, the establishment of the CoDI has brought new protections for deposit holders. CoDI is a deposit insurance scheme, initiated by SARB which aims to safeguard depositors' funds in the event of a bank failure. CoDI provides coverage for individual depositors up to R100 000, ensuring that their deposits are protected during times of financial distress. 

This vital safety net shields depositors from potential losses and helps maintain public confidence in the banking system, mitigating the risk of bank runs. With the implementation of CoDI, South African deposit holders have an additional layer of security, knowing that their financial interests are better safeguarded against unforeseen banking crises. The legislation governing and detailing CoDI will come into effect  in 2024 and provide the necessary protection for depositors.

Coverage and limitations

While CoDI offers crucial protection for individual depositors, the coverage limit of R100 000 raises concerns about its ability to safeguard businesses with larger cash reserves. In the event of a bank failure, businesses with significant deposits may still face considerable losses. This highlights the need for further evaluation of CoDI's coverage limitations and scope to ensure the adequate protection of both individuals and businesses. 

It is essential to note that CoDI does not cover investments or instruments such as derivatives, shares, indices, exchange traded funds, negotiable certificates of deposits, debt instruments (including bonds, debentures, and securities), annuities, insurance products, unit trusts, and repurchase agreements. These types of investments carry inherent risks that make them ineligible for protection under CoDI.

The path forward: strengthening regulations and transparency

To prevent future bank runs and collapses, regulatory bodies must enhance existing regulations and proactively address potential issues before they spiral out of control. Increased transparency from banks regarding their financial health and risk management practices is also vital in fostering trust and confidence among their customers.

While the establishment of CoDI provides a valuable safety net for individual depositors, its effectiveness in averting another similar catastrophe, particularly for businesses with larger cash reserves, remains uncertain. By continuously reassessing CoDI's coverage level and scope, implementing better regulations and transparency measures, and learning from the lessons of recent bank failures, we can work towards a more secure financial ecosystem for all.

In the end, the true test of CoDI's success will lie in its ability to protect a wide range of depositors, including individuals, small and medium-sized businesses, and non-profit organisations, while also adapting to the ever-changing financial environment. CoDI certainly has the potential to be the financial superhero, swooping in to save the day for depositors, transforming the lessons learned from the dramatic bank run saga into a brighter, more secure financial future (or not?).