As of 1 January 2025, a new version of the statistical industrial classification of activities (NACE’25) will replace the currently applicable classification system (NACE’08). The change was mandated by EU legislation, and as a result from 1 January 2025 economic activities pursued by Hungarian companies must be classified according to the new NACE’25.
Hungary’s parliament has just adopted the act outlining the obligations of Hungarian companies regarding the upcoming changes to the activity-classification system specified below.
Until 31 January 2025, the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary will automatically reclassify the activity codes of the main activities and other activities of companies according to the NACE'25 classification based on the translation key published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. As a rule, the registered activities of companies will be automatically modified in the Companies’ Register with no obligation for companies to do so. If companies wish to modify the code of their automatically reclassified main activity, they must notify the Tax Authority by 1 July 2025 at the latest.
If one or more of a company’s other registered activities cannot be automatically reclassified under the new NACE'25 classification, the company must notify the Tax Authority of the activity by 1 July 2025. If an activity under NACE'08 cannot be automatically reclassified under NACE'25 and the company does not declare a new activity, the Tax Authority will automatically delete the company's registered activities under NACE'08 as of 31 August 2025.
After 31 December 2024, companies must submit to the Court of Registration their articles of association updated with the activities according to the NACE'25 classification at the same time when the first data change occurs in their company data entered in the Companies’ Register. If a company submits an amendment to its articles of association solely to reflect the updated scope of its activities due to the change in the activity classification system, the procedure is free of charge.
In summary, after the automatic modification of the activity codes, it is advisable for Hungarian companies to review the list of activities in the Companies’ Register to determine whether any of the automatically registered activities require modification for any reason.
If so, the required change in the scope of activities must be reported to the Tax Authority by the deadlines mentioned above, in parallel with a resolution of the members to change the scope of activities and amend the articles of association.
If none of the automatically reclassified activities requires amendment, it is sufficient to update the list of activities in the articles of association at the same time as the next company data change occurs.
For more information on your Hungary-based company’s obligations regarding NACE’25, contact your CMS client partner or these CMS experts.
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