CMS Expert Guide on Beauty


With a highly circumspect online and IRL consumer, the beauty industry is facing increasing scrutiny on everything from ingredients to their supply chain. For those offering treatment services in particular, which has until now been the wild west of wellness, there’s a shift in consumer demand for transparency and accountability – namely a desire for better regulation and insurance. This follows well documented horror stories in national press worldwide of those travelling to secure these services at bargain prices with catastrophic results.

This Expert Guide on Beauty considers the trinity of personal health and wellness in business namely:

  1. Cosmetics (cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals)
  2. Beauty devices (technology based); and
  3. Treatment services.

In a truly global market where barriers to trade feel like they are dissolving hourly, there’s a wave of regulation being launched with consumer protection in mind that beauty businesses should be aware of when moving into new territories.  

Our Expert Guide provides a summary of relevant regulation and advertising laws to keep in mind, what sanctions you’ll be open to for non-compliance including criminal liability, a nod to the relevant regulators in each country and high-level packaging requirements.

Click here to view the Expert Guide on Beauty.