718 results for
  • Contractual Rights of Termination and Repudiatory Breach

    United Kingdom 05/03/2009
    Facts This case related to the interpretation of shipbuilding contracts. Gearbulk Holdings Ltd (“Gearbulk”) entered into three contracts on similar terms with Stocznia Gdynia SA (“Stocznia...
  • CleanTech - How green is your procurement strategy?

    United Kingdom 02/12/2008
    Earlier this year we undertook a survey of suppliers and procurers of Information Technology and Communications (ITC) goods and services to determine how their businesses are affected by “green”...
  • Insurgency in Nigeria: How effective are your force majeure provisions?

    United Kingdom 20/08/2008
    In late June 2008, gunmen from the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (“MEND”) used powerboats to speed across more than 100km of open sea to attack Shell's giant Bonga oil production...
  • Lifesciences Snapshot: Summer 2008

    United Kingdom 29/07/2008
    Bringing you quarterly news of key developments of relevance to the Lifesciences sector. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY London Agreement entered into force on 1 May Following the deposit by France of the instrument...
  • Owen Pell Limited v Bindi (London) Limited: Enforcing the decision of an Expert

    United Kingdom 20/06/2008
    Expert Determination is a quick, cost effective and increasingly popular method of resolving disputes. Pell v Bindi concerns a case brought to enforce the determination of an Expert where the losing party...
  • New UK law of fair dealing

    United Kingdom 23/05/2008
    Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (“CPRs”) Unlike most of the EU, the UK has never had a general law requiring fair dealing in business to consumer transactions. Instead,...
  • Take-or-pay provisions – a penalty clause?

    United Kingdom 24/04/2008
    In a case handed down at the end of February(1), a Commercial Court judge in the UK was asked to consider, for the first time, whether a claim based on a take-or-pay provision in a sale and purchase agreement...
  • Sourcing Update: Q2 2008

    United Kingdom 23/04/2008
    Industry Developments Fears of a global economic downturn appear to be driving businesses to focus on cost rather than long-term strategic partnering in outsourcing relationships. According to Compass...
  • Court of Appeal reverses Regus decision and finds exclusion clause was reasonable

    United Kingdom 22/04/2008
    In May 2007, the High Court decided, in the case of Regus (UK) Limited v Epcot Solutions Limited, that the exclusion of liability clause in the supplier’s standard terms of business was unreasonable...
  • Sourcing Update - Q1 2008

    United Kingdom 06/02/2008
    Industry Developments The outsourcing market is in a healthy state, with transactions growing in both size and complexity. This includes knowledge process outsourcing involving high-value, information-based...