718 results for
  • Lifesciences Snapshot: Winter 2007/08

    United Kingdom 29/01/2008
    Bringing you quarterly news of key developments of relevance to the Lifesciences sector. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY L’Oreal SA and Others -v- Bellure NV [2007] EWCA Civ 936 The Court of Appeal considered...
  • Lifesciences Snapshot: Autumn 2007

    United Kingdom 16/10/2007
    Bringing you quarterly news of key developments of relevance to the Lifesciences sector INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY End to trade mark examination on relative grounds From the 1 October 2007, the UK Intellectual...
  • Freedom of Information – Disclosure of medical records

    United Kingdom 02/10/2007
    The case concerned Karen Davies, who died at Epsom General Hospital in 1988, aged 33. In 2003 it emerged that the hospital’s treatment had not been satisfactory, that it had admitted liability for...
  • Product liability and recall

    United Kingdom 31/08/2007
    At the end of July 2007 a supplier was found liable to its manufacturer customer for the presence of Para Red in the chilli powder it had supplied, even though the court accepted that the presence posed...
  • 2007 - Review of export control legislation

    United Kingdom 17/08/2007
    The Export Control Act 2002 heralded the start of a far-reaching overhaul of the United Kingdom’s legislative framework for dealing with export controls; a process which continued over the next...
  • Data protection: selecting and inputting personal data is not necessarily ‘processing’

    United Kingdom 22/06/2007
    The Data Protection Act (DPA) places obligations on organisations that control the processing of personal data. This case is important because it decides that performing certain activities on or with data...
  • Rome II: EU reaches agreement on applicable law for non-contractual obligations

    United Kingdom 07/06/2007
    Commercial parties will be able to choose in advance the law to be applied to their non-contractual disputes under a draft Regulation agreed recently by the European Parliament and European Council following...
  • Freedom of Information Act: Public service broadcasting

    United Kingdom 01/06/2007
    Summary The High Court, in its first judgement on the Freedom of Information Act 2000(“FOIA”), has considered a fundamental jurisdictional issue in addition to widening the scope of what information...
  • ‘Reasonable endeavours’ - High Court considers meaning

    United Kingdom 19/03/2007
    Legal background Contractual terms often require a party to use its ‘best endeavours’, ‘all reasonable endeavours’, or ‘reasonable endeavours’ to achieve a particular...
  • European Commission publishes green paper on the review of Consumer Law

    Czech RepublicHungaryPolandRomaniaRussiaSlovakiaUnited Kingdom 22/02/2007
    On the 8th February 2007 the European Commission published a green paper on the possible harmonisation of European consumer law, including the rules on distance selling and unfair contract terms. Existing...