718 results for
  • Identity Cards Bill scrapes through Commons by just 25 votes

    United Kingdom 24/10/2005
    The highly controversial Identity Cards Bill passed its third and final reading in the House of Commons this week and will now undergo further scrutiny by the House of Lords. The Bill, which was introduced...
  • Government use of ADR saves £23 million in costs

    United Kingdom 05/08/2005
    The latest annual report on the "Effectiveness of the Government's Commitment to using Alternative Dispute Resolution", just published by the Department for Constitutional Affairs, shows that the use of...
  • Unfair commercial practices

    United Kingdom 20/06/2005
    The EU Council of Ministers has agreed to adopt Directive 2005/29/EC, which regulates business to consumer commercial practices within the internal market. It is hoped the Directive will provide a European...
  • WEEE and RoHS Directives – electronic and electrical equipment – business errors

    United Kingdom 12/05/2005
    The UK Regulations implementing two EU Directives, namely (1) the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ("WEEE") Directive and (2) the Restriction on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical...
  • Business relationships: effective dispute resolution clauses

    United Kingdom 30/01/2005
    Rewarding relationships with customers, suppliers, staff, shareholders and other stakeholders take time, effort and resource investment to establish. Ask any marketing man or commercial director: it is...
  • IT projects: contract protection when things go wrong

    United Kingdom 30/01/2005
    Adding up all the taxpayers’ money spent on abortive IT projects in recent years would make chilling arithmetic. There have been many well-publicised IT disasters in the public sector, such as the...
  • Confidential information and product suppliers

    United Kingdom 20/01/2005
    A recent High Court decision shows that product suppliers may not always be able to rely on contractual provisions and the law of confidence to protect their commercial know-how. Confidentiality obligations...
  • The EU Mediation Atlas: Practice and Regulation

    Czech RepublicHungaryPolandUnited Kingdom 29/10/2004
    The first comprehensive guide to mediation throughout the EU, The EU Mediation Atlas: Practice and Regulation was launched last week at an International Conference in The Hague. The book was a joint venture...
  • Are agreements to negotiate enforceable under English law?

    United Kingdom 19/10/2004
    The contract - your flexible friend? One of the primary purposes of the contract in construction projects is to regulate the legal rights and liabilities of the parties in relation to events that may or...
  • Clarification on what constitutes 'Reasonable time' for performance

    United Kingdom 11/05/2004
    Astea (UK) Limited -v- Time Group Limited This first instance Judgment offers useful guidance on the various factors a court might take into consideration when deciding whether a party exceeded a reasonable...