718 results for
  • An invitation to tender imposes contractual obligations to act fairly

    United Kingdom 17/03/2004
    Case law over recent years has established that a company issuing an invitation to tender (ITT) is making an offer, not necessarily to award the contract to the best bidder (depending on the terms of the...
  • Litigation annual review 2004

    Czech RepublicRomaniaRussiaUnited Kingdom 02/02/2004
    We are delighted to present you with our third Litigation Annual Review. This publication draws together litigation lawyers from across CMS Cameron McKenna, which results in a series of articles identifying...
  • New court decision on privity of contract and "no loss" in recovery of damages

    United Kingdom 29/01/2004
    Legal black holes (again) - Rolls Royce Power Engineering plc v Ricardo Consulting Engineers: [2003] HHJ Richard Seymour QC heard preliminary issues in this case in the Technology and Construction Court...
  • Carry on at my convenience: Termination for convenience clauses

    United Kingdom 17/11/2003
    Termination for convenience clauses empower parties, usually employers, to end construction contracts for any reason. They are useful in speculative developments where adverse market movements may make...
  • Heads of terms - practical drafting points

    United Kingdom 09/10/2003
    In this case the parties were negotiating the repayment of a loan made by the claimant to the defendant. They produced a document entitled "Heads of Agreement - subject to more complete documentation"....
  • Drafting issues: unfair contract terms - the latest developments

    United Kingdom 16/07/2003
    Latest Developments on Unfair Contract Terms The law in this area in relation to business to business transactions is currently largely covered by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. Recent case law has...
  • Issues on confidentiality and confidentiality clauses

    United Kingdom 15/04/2003
    Duties of Confidence Obligations of confidence can arise in a number of circumstances; under contract, tort, equity, property, bailment or under statute. Under contractual confidentiality terms may be...
  • Drafting issues update 2

    United Kingdom 15/04/2003
    Latest Developments on Unfair Contract Terms As I am sure most if not all of you will be aware that the law in this area in relation to business to business transactions is currently largely covered by...
  • Contractual Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") provisions

    United Kingdom 15/04/2003
    Arguably the most effective way of encouraging, even mandating, ADR procedures is for the parties to agree this in their contractual documentation, before any dispute arises. There are differing views,...
  • Retention of Title

    United Kingdom 15/04/2003
    The purpose of this note is to give a brief overview of the law relating to retention of title in England and Wales. This note will examine: The background issues relevant to the operation of retention...