235 results for
  • EU Consults on Green Action Plan for SMEs

    United Kingdom 08.10.2013
    The European Commission is seeking stakeholders’ views on various resource efficiency aspects affecting SMEs, including how best to support SMEs in all sectors to become more resource efficient and...
  • Law to force corporate disclosure of non-financial and diversity information

    United Kingdom 10.05.2013
    The European Commission has proposed a new Directive requiring larger corporates in the EU to disclose non-financial and diversity information in annual reports (the “Proposed Directive”)....
  • UK Space Innovation and Growth Strategy – Regulation and Finance

    United Kingdom 01.05.2013
    Introduction The joint industry and Government led Space Innovation and Growth Strategy (IGS) was published in February 2010. The IGS outlined a 20 year vision for the future growth of the UK space sector...
  • The end of waiting… Infrastructure and the Autumn Statement

    United Kingdom 05.12.2012
    The much anticipated Autumn Statement is now with us and while it doesn’t include too many surprises it gives us a framework and a potential pipeline which should be welcomed. The highlights include:...
  • Inter-company pricing policies of multinationals - storm in a coffee cup?

    United Kingdom 20.11.2012
    Unprecedented coverage is being devoted to the perceived low levels of corporate tax being paid in the UK by multinationals, and unfavourable parliamentary and public opinion is becoming more polarised...
  • Green Investment Bank - Developments

    United Kingdom 30.05.2012
    On 25 May 2012 the draft Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill had its first reading in Parliament. Amongst other measures, the Bill provides powers to the Government to designate formally the Green Investment...
  • Status of EU Sanctions against Iran, Libya and Syria

    United KingdomIran 22.05.2012
    The past year has seen the continued importance and effect of arms embargoes and economic sanctions imposed by the EU, the US and the UN against a number of States. Tensions between Western powers, and...
  • Court clerk faces first prosecution under Bribery Act

    United Kingdom 07.09.2011
    A court clerk from East London is the first person to be charged under the new anti-bribery legislation. Munir Yakub Patel, 21, is charged with contravening section 2 of the Bribery Act 2010 for "requesting...
  • Anti-bribery and corruption laws - an international guide

    International 18.08.2011
    We have pleasure in announcing the publication of our International Guide to Anti-corruption Laws, which provides an “at a glance” summary and comparison of the key criminal and administrative...
  • Tender for 3000MW of offshore wind projects announced for France

    United Kingdom 01.02.2011
    The French government announced last week that it will launch in May 2011 a tender for 10 billion Euros of offshore wind farms with a total capacity of 3000 megawatts (MW), stretching along the French...