235 Search Results for
  • Share schemes in the UK

    United Kingdom 01.05.2006
    A great way to incentivise staff, or just too difficult? Share schemes started in the US half a century ago. They’re now widely offered both in the UK and on a global basis – particularly helped...
  • Admission to AIM

    United Kingdom 01.05.2006
    Since 1995, the Alternative Investment Market has been the London Stock Exchange’s market for smaller, growing companies. AIM not only offers the usual advantages of publicly traded securities, such...
  • The Company Law Reform Bill: an overview

    United Kingdom 01.05.2006
    On 1 November 2005 the Company Law Reform Bill (the Bill) was finally introduced to the House of Lords, seven years after the review of the existing law began. Some of the detailed provisions of the...
  • Duties and responsibilities of directors in Europe 2005

    Europe 23.11.2005
    With increased consolidation of business across Europe, executives of multinational groups can find that they are required to become directors of companies in a variety of jurisdictions, often at short...
  • 20 questions for European real estate investors

    International 29.09.2005
    Introduction Investing in real estate across Europe involves a great deal of fact-finding and decision-making. Before an investment decision can be made there are often many questions that need to be answered....