24770 Search Results for
  • Duties of the actuary and trustees

    United Kingdom 19.08.1999
    Mark Grant considers the impact of a recent Ombudsman determination on the duties of trustees and actuaries The Pensions Ombudsman recently considered the duties of trustees and actuaries and the relationship...
  • Flexible retirement and recent developments

    United Kingdom 19.08.1999
    Keith Webster considers the impact of the Inland Revenue’s flexible retirement proposals and recent changes As society becomes more affluent, more and more people want to retire early at an age when...
  • How Safe is Your Pension on Bankruptcy?

    United Kingdom 19.08.1999
    Julia Miller discusses the extent to which occupational and personal pension benefits are protected on bankruptcy In bankruptcy cases there has been a growing awareness that a bankrupt’s most valuable...
  • Disability Discrimination Act

    United Kingdom 19.08.1999
    Simon Pilcher looks at the impact of the Disability Discrimination Act on pension benefits The Disability Discrimination Act (the "Act") came into force on 2 December 1996. It applies to all employees...
  • Trading places

    United Kingdom 19.08.1999
    Kevin Pither examines the impact of Self Assessment on occupational pension schemes The implementation of Self Assessment and the treatment of the information received as a result, is seen by many as clear...
  • The Green Paper - Where are we now?

    United Kingdom 19.08.1999
    Karen Mumgaard looks at how far the Government’s proposals for reform have progressed General Occupational pension schemes are, in the view of the Government, the great welfare success story of century;...
  • The New German Packaging Regulation and its Influence on the “Green Dot System”

    United Kingdom 17.08.1999
    Introduction The Packaging Regulation 1991 (Verpackungsverordnung), like the equivalent UK Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 1997, imposes legal obligations on the manufacturers...
  • Pensions Update: Fancy Dancing - Caribbean Style

    United Kingdom 17.08.1999
    This month has seen reports of a £350m settlement being offered by the Government in the National Bus dispute. Only two months ago the Privy Council decided that the Jamaican Government could retain...
  • Review of Polish Environment Law - the need for a cohesive and integrated system of Environment Law

    United Kingdom 17.08.1999
    Introduction The state of Environment Law in Poland today has resulted, as has been the case in many other jurisdictions, from a disparate and often isolated approach to specific problems. As a result...
  • European Commission Proposal on Taxation of Savings

    United Kingdom 17.08.1999
    Background This note briefly outlines the main points arising from the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on the taxation of savings income. The stated objective of the Directive is “to...