25464 results for
  • Totalfina/Elf Aquitaine - Oil industry

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    The European Commission has initiated a detailed second stage investigation into the proposed merger between the oil companies Totalfina and Elf Aquitaine. Totalfina was created following Total’s...
  • Investigation into provision and pricing of leased line tariffs

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    The European Commission has started a broad investigation regarding the conditions of provision and pricing of leased lines. The inquiry involves requesting information from incumbent fixed network operators,...
  • Kim Howells accepts undertakings from Hilton Group

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    Kim Howells, the Competition and Consumer Affairs Minister, announced on the 27 October that he had accepted undertakings from the Hilton Group plc (formerly Ladbroke Group plc) which prevents them from...
  • Proposed transatlantic merger control committee

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    European and US officials met in Brussels on 6th October for tentative talks aimed at setting up a regular transatlantic merger control committee. There is already a 1998 EU/US Agreement which gives guidelines...
  • OFGEM proposes new safeguards against abuse of market power by generators

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    Electricity generators who indulge in behaviour which artificially raises prices in the wholesale electricity market at the expense of customers, face the prospect of an enforcement order under proposals...
  • OFT publishes final versions of two further Competition Act guidelines

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    Final versions of the guidelines "Assessment of Market Power" (OFT 415, September 1999) and "Assessment of Individual Agreements and Conduct" (OFT 414, September 1999) have been published.
  • OFT Research Paper on quantitative techniques in competition analysis

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    When evaluating competition, regulatory bodies observe and analyse the market using a variety of quantitative techniques. The OFT has commissioned and published a research paper (Quantitative techniques...
  • Pakhoed/Van Ommeren - Oil storage and transport

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    A full merger has been approved by the European Commission between Pakhoed and Van Ommeren. The proposed operation raised some serious competition issues but these have been overcome by the parties making...
  • New wholesale electricity market blueprint confirmed

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    OFGEM and the DTI published a report on 21 October 1999 confirming new arrangements for the wholesale trading of electricity. The report follows a period of consultation on the blueprint for new trading...
  • Utility regulators publish a statement on joint working

    United Kingdom 31.10.1999
    On 8 October 1999, the five regulators for water, telecommunications, rail, gas and electricity set out arrangements for working closely together on a range of cross-industry issues. OFTEL, OFWAT, OFGEM...