The RegZone platform
RegZone is a unique on-line guide to financial services regulation and reform. It has been designed by CMS regulatory experts - for use by CMS lawyers and by their financial institution clients. RegZone provides news, expert analysis, data, research tools, training and events (held in the City of London, Canary Wharf, Edinburgh, Paris and Frankfurt) for those working in banking and finance, insurance, funds and asset management and securities and derivatives.
The RegZone web site is free to view covering over 70 regulatory topics across Europe and updated each day. You can subscribe for event invitations and for real time eAlerts covering the countries and sectors relevant to your work.
CMS and its market-leading regulatory practice
CMS provides regulatory support and legal services to many market leaders across the financial services sector - handling advisory, contentious and transactional assignments in 31 countries across Europe and beyond.
More than 100 regulatory experts across CMS contribute to the RegZone. CMS has 27 offices across the Eurozone and 12 offices in the rest of the European Union (including a substantial financial services and products team in London). It also has 13 offices across the CEE/SEE region and 8 offices in the broader EMEA region and beyond.
More “about us” brochures, capability statements and credentials
Financial Services Regulatory Team
This brochure introduces CMS UK's FS Regulatory team and their expertise.
Our work for financial institutions
This brochure details the team's experience and expertise.
Leaders in Pensions
This brochure introduces CMS UK's Pensions team.
Future facing finance
This brochure outlines how CMS is supporting financial institutions into the future.
Acting as Your Transaction Counsel on De-Risking Transactions
This brochure outlines the role, summarises what CMS can bring to your Transaction Counsel and outlines our market-leading de-risking experience more generally.
Payments credentials
This brochure highlights our expertise within the Payments sector.
Our global Islamic Finance practice
This brochure provides an overview of our well-established Islamic Finance practice and the ways in which we can assist market participants and new entrants.
Brexit Next: Legal Implications
This brochure highlights the potential implications for your business (multi-sector coverage) and the ways in which CMS can help. We also have a series of publications on how Brexit will affect AIFs, UCITS and Private Funds.
LawNow & RegZone Joint Flyer
Electronic flyer with information on how to register for either or both of these platforms. The print version can be downloaded here by CMS staff.
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