
Recent Articles


    Spain: Parliamentary proceedings begin to create the Independent Ad­min­is­trat­ive Authority for the Defence of Financial Customers

    On April 5, the draft law for the creation of the Financial Customer Defence Authority was published in the Official Gazette of the Spanish Parliament.1. INTRODUCTIONThe current text being processed includes modifications introduced in the previous legislature´s parliamentary procedure and which were supported by the majority of MPs. These modifications include the financing of the new Authority by financial institutions and the possibility of appealing binding decisions before the civil courts, thus guaranteeing the protection of financial clients.The Authority aims to resolve complaints...
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    Firm handling of complaints during coronavirus and vulnerable customers

    Correct as of 9am, 12th May. This article is not being maintained.The FCA has published guidance[1] on the handling of complaints during coronavirus. The FCA reminds firms that handling complaints remains an important function which should continue and says that firms should take all reasonable steps to ensure as much complaint handling as possible continues through staff working from home, where this can be done fairly and effectively.The FCA expects firms to prioritise:Prompt payment to complainants who have been offered redress and accepted that offer; andPrompt and fair resolution of complaints...
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    Se­cur­it­isa­tion Regulation: 60 minutes to understand the new rules and issues

    CMS cordially invite you to attend a webinar: 11 April 2018 | 10:00 UK/ 11:00 CET Securitisation Regulation: 60 minutes to understand the new rules and issues This webinar will last one hour (including a Q&A session) and will provide an update on new EU regulations regarding securitisation. Four expert speakers from the UK, France and Spain will cover the areas you need to be aware of. Agenda: Scope of the new regulations (STS and CRR treatment) New rules applicable to any EU securitisation STS CRR/other directive changes REGISTER NOW
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    FOS to consider complaints relating to Investment Performance

    Background As of 9 July 2015, the FOS can no longer dismiss a complaint brought on the basis of “investment performance” and therefore decline to consider the complaint’s merits (DISP 3.3.4A, FCA Handbook). Previously, a complaint brought before the Ombudsman solely on the grounds that ‘had a consumer been advised to invest in fund X instead of fund Y it would have performed better’, could, in theory, be dismissed in this way. This provision was seen by some as a barrier to a potential deluge of complaints from disgruntled consumers whose investments had not performed...
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    Complaints handling and dealing with the FOS

    The seminar is looking at: The regulatory focus on complaints Pressure on customer communications FCA expectation on complaints handling Handling – and challenging – the FOS
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    Another busy year for the Ombudsman

    The Pensions Ombudsman has published his Annual Report and Accounts for 2012/13. As ever, the Report makes useful reading for those involved with disputes or potential disputes. It summarises the Ombudsman’s caseload, discusses the nature of complaints and provides an insight into his process. Headlines The Report shows that the office of the Ombudsman has faced another busy year, completing 954 investigations (up from 888 in the previous year) and reducing the average time taken to deal with each case by an average of one month (the figure is now 9.6 months). What are disputes about? In...
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