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Artículos Recientes


    European Commission’s call for evidence on the revision of the guidelines on State aid in the aviation sector

    GB FR
    The European Commission has launched on 27 August a public consultation on State aid in the aviation sector. The consultation will run until 8 October 2024.The 2014 Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines provide for:the interpretation on the notion of State aid in regard to public interventions for airports and airlines;the compatibility conditions for investment aid to airports with up to 5 million passengers per year;the compatibility conditions for operating aid to airports with up to 3 million passengers per year;the compatibility conditions for start-up aid to airlines for new routes...
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    The European Commission approves restructuring State aid of €1.3 billion in favour of SAS

    GB FR
    In October 2020, the European Commission approved a recapitalisation measure of approximately €833 million, notified by Sweden and Denmark, in favour of SAS. This measure was adopted under the State aid COVID-19 Temporary framework.Ryanair challenged the Commission decision and secured its annulment by the General Court of the EU in May 2023 (Case T-238/21). In late 2022, SAS entered a collective insolvency proceeding. Following the annulment of the 2020 decision, the Commission approved again in November 2023 the recapitalisation measure.However, this measure remained insufficient to restore...
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    One year of Belgian foreign direct investment screening: state of play

    On 1 June 2022, following the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2019/452 of 19 March 2019 establishing a framework for screening foreign direct investments in the EU, the various Belgian competent governments concluded a draft cooperation agreement, ratified by all competent Belgian parliaments, which aims to introduce a foreign direct investment (FDI) screening mechanism in Belgium.The FDI control mechanism, which entered into force on 1 July 2023, provides for a mechanism of mandatory ex ante notification to an Interfederal Screening Committee (ISC) for investment projects envisaged by non-European...
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    The General Court of the EU annuls the Commission decision on restructuring aid to Condor

    GB FR
    On 8 May 2024, the General Court of the EU annulled the Commission decision of 26 July 2021 approving restructuring aid to German airline Condor following an annulment action lodged by Ryanair. The Commission should have opened a formal procedure because of doubts about the compatibility of the aid. The General Court rejected Ryanair’s argument relating to the impact of the aid on its competitive position.BackgroundOn 26 July 2021, the European Commission authorised restructuring aid in favour of the German airline Condor. Condor provides mainly charter flights via tour operators in Germany....
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    After EU Commission's first decision on Carbon Contracts for Difference, Germany initiates bidding of EUR 4bn

    The European Commission approved the first Carbon Contracts for Difference (CCfD) scheme under the new Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022 (CEEAG).Following the Commission's decision, on 12 March 2024 the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) initiated the first bidding process with a total volume of EUR 4bn. With this funding scheme, Germany is taking a pioneering role in Europe and internationally in the field of state aid for climate protection. Concept of contracts for differenceA contract for difference entitles...
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    Practical guidance on how to assess the existence of aid for risk financing measures

    GB FR
    On 26 January 2024, the Commission adopted practical guidance for Member States on assessing the existence of State aid for measures aimed at facilitating access to financing for certain businesses.Risk financing measures are particularly important as they enable States to support innovative start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and middle-sized enterprises (mid-caps) in the early stages of their development, to make the most of their growth potential, and to lead ecological and digital transitions.These aid may be considered compatible with the internal market under the General...
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