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Artículos Recientes


    Commercial Code to be abolished in Ukraine

    On 9 January 2025, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted draft Law No. 6013 “On Particularities of Regulation of Activities of Legal Entities of Certain Organisational and Legal Forms in the Transitional Period and of Associations of Legal Entities” (the Law). The main change introduced by the Law is the abolition of the Commercial Code of Ukraine and the mandatory corporatisation of certain enterprises.The Law is part of a large-scale reform aimed at (i) increasing the transparency of the state property management, (ii) facilitating the attraction of investment, in particular by local...
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    2025 – Topics that may Concern You

    Companies doing business in China constantly have to deal with changes in regulations and new laws. This will also continue in 2025.Topics such as the new PRC Company Law, new PRC Tariff Law, PRC Regulations on Export Control of Dual-Use Items, network data security management, data transfer, opening up capital markets to foreign investment, and raise of statutory retirement age of employees etc. will continue to be a concern for many companies in China in 2025.Complying with regulatory requirements is one of the key challenges for foreign companies and investors in China, not only in terms of...
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    Key takeaways on CSRD reporting requirements for Slovenian companies

    On 18 December 2024, an amendment to the Slovenian Companies Act (Zakon o gospodarskih družbah or ZGD-1M) came into force, introducing several new obligations for companies, which include additional reporting requirements and mandatory standards to ensure gender balance in the management and supervisory bodies of companies. ZGD-1M officially transposes the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) into Slovenian law. The following article highlights the amended non-financial (i.e. sustainability) reporting obligations that are now required. The ZGD-1M sets out relevant...
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    United Kingdom

    High Court rules on first challenge to a forced divestment under the UK’s NSIA regime

    The High Court’s recent judgment in LetterOne’s appeal against a Final Order requiring it to divest its completed purchase of Upp is the first time the UK’s National Security & Investment Act 2021 (NSIA) regime has been considered by the courts.  There has been much speculation as to how judicial oversight of the regime would operate, and this judgment confirms the deference of the courts to the Government’s decision-making on sensitive national security concerns.  The judgment also provides an interesting window into the assessment process undertaken by the...
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    Listing Act i zmiany wchodzące w życie już w pierwszym tygodniu grudnia 2024 r.

    Już 4 grudnia 2024 r. wejdą w życie pierwsze zmiany wprowadzone na podstawie tzw. Listing Act, mające na celu zwiększenie atrakcyjności rynków kapitałowych w UE. Z perspektywy emitentów i potencjalnych emitentów, kluczowe zmiany dotyczą tzw. rozporządzenia prospektowego i rozporządzenia MAR. Poniżej znajduje się podsumowanie najważniejszych zmian wprowadzanych przez Listing Act:Najważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu MAR:Wejście w życieNajważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu...
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    Understanding Warranty and Indemnity insurance

    GB FR
    Understanding Warranty and Indemnity insuranceWhat is W&I insurance?Warranty and Indemnity (W&I) insurance is an insurance product commonly used in M&A transactions, which is designed to protect the insured against financial losses resulting from breach of warranties and certain indemnities granted by the seller in the transaction documents of an M&A deal.Why is W&I insurance taken out?In an M&A deal, the buyer typically asks the seller to provide various representations and warranties in the sale and purchase agreement covering the target's legal status, financial statements,...
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