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Artículos Recientes


    Protective shelters and structures for employees and company in­fra­s­tru­c­tu­re: Ukraine private sector obligations

    The full-scale Russian attack on Ukraine, characterised by daily shelling across the country with long-range weaponry, has highlighted the need for a system of effective and wide-spread protective structures unlike the bunker system that any other nation has ever maintained. Even the existing Cold War-era protective structures, to the extent they have been preserved, have proven insufficient.The Ukrainian government, municipalities, foreign donors, and charities are doing much to build or renovate shelters and simple covers across the country. In this article, we will focus on the obligation of...
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    UK, Middle East, UAE

    Challenging calls under on-demand securities: the fraud exception

    A recent decision of the Qatar International Court, applying English law principles, has ordered revocation of a demand under an on-demand guarantee on grounds of fraud. English law takes a robust approach to enforcement of on-demand securities and will only injunct demands alleged to be fraudulent in the clearest of cases. This decision shows how evidence of contradictory positions taken by a beneficiary can be used to mount a successful challenge based on fraud.The fraud exceptionEnglish law allows only very limited grounds on which to challenge calls under on-demand securities issued by banks...
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    New EU Refuelling Guidelines

    GB FR
    IntroductionOn 9 October 2024, the European Commission published its guidelines on the interpretation of the refuelling obligations for aircraft operators (“Refuelling Guidelines”).EU Regulation 2023/2405 (“RFEUA”) specifies the rules on ensuring a level playing field for sustainable air transport. Article 5 RFEUA imposes obligations on aircraft operators with regard to refuelling. The Refuelling Guidelines provide additional information about the interpretation of Article 5 RFEUA.Article 5 RFEUA requires aircraft operators to refuel at least 90% of the yearly aviation fuel...
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    Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU)

    En­fo­r­cea­bi­li­ty of unilateral option arbitration agreements in onshore Dubai - the Court of Cassation finally adjudicates

    IntroductionAlthough not commonly adopted in GCC construction contracts, commercial instruments sometimes include a unilateral option arbitration agreement (‘UOAA’). The UOAA essentially allows one party to decide at the time a dispute arises whether it should be resolved through court litigation or arbitration. There may be practical reasons for including a UOAA, or it might be imposed by a party possessing stronger bargaining power seeking to ‘hedge its bets’ against being tied to one dispute resolution method if a dispute occurs.The enforceability of arbitration agreements...
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    The use of good faith arguments in time-bar disputes

    Good faith obligations are often raised in international construction disputes to overcome time-bar defences raised by employers. This Law-Now considers the approach to enforcing time-bar clauses under English law and in civil law jurisdictions before considering a recent DIFC decision which arises under the unique combination of English and civil law contained in the DIFC’s Contract Law.Time-bars under English lawThe English courts have traditionally shown themselves to be supportive of enforcing time bar clauses if they are not strictly complied with. Such clauses are intended to promote...
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    CMS Annual Review of English Construction Law Developments: An International Perspective

    We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2024 edition of our internationally focused Annual Review of English Construction Law Developments. The Annual Review summarises key developments in English construction law over the previous calendar year including developments in related common law jurisdictions. The publication has been prepared with our international clients in mind and aims to provide a greater degree of background and analysis than our regular Law-Now alert service.This year’s edition has a strong focus on exclusion and limitation clauses, with more than half of the...
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