Mercados de capital de deuda

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Artículos Recientes

    United Kingdom

    FCA overhauls the UK listing regime as part of the most ambitious listing rule reform in recent years

    On 11 July 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published its final policy position and rules for a revised UK listing regime to modernise the existing Listing Rules.These changes follow extensive market engagement and feedback over the last couple of years, including consultations in May 2023 and December 2023. In its final policy position, the FCA has gone further than expected (and in the face of significant dissent from certain quarters of the market), such as by the inclusion of rules allowing sovereign and other institutional investors to hold enhanced voting rights under dual class...
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    England and Wales

    Law Commission’s draft Digital Assets Bill – welcome news for the UK

    Following an extensive consultation and publication of its final report in June 2023, the Law Commission has now published its draft Digital Assets Bill (the “Bill”). The Bill is designed “to ensure that the law remains dynamic, highly competitive, and flexible, so that it can support transactions and other arrangements involving digital asset technology” and aims “to help to achieve the UK Government’s stated goal of the jurisdiction of England and Wales becoming a global hub for digital assets, and in particular, for crypto-tokens and crypto-token systems”.The...
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    Capital Markets Board Introduced New Thresholds for IPOs

    The amounts subject to revaluation in the secondary regulations issued by the Capital Markets Board (“Board”) based on the Capital Markets Law (“Law”) have been determined and published for 2024.In this respect, some important highlights are as follows:The total asset and net revenue amounts in the financial statements – prepared in accordance with the regulations of the Board and independently audited for the last two years prior to the date of IPO application – of companies, which has to meet the requirements under Board’s Communiqué on Shares...
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    Middle East

    UAE Corporate Tax Law: When does a non-resident juridical person have a UAE Nexus?

    BackgroundThe UAE enacted its Corporate Tax Law (the “CTL”) in December 2022 (Federal Decree-Law No. (47) of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses). The CTL came into force on 1 June 2023. The main corporate tax rate of 9% applies on income exceeding AED 375,000 (roughly USD 102,000). The CLT provides that the rate of corporate tax which applies to “Qualifying Free Zone Persons” is 0% with respect to qualifying income and 9% on non-qualifying revenue.Under Article 11 of the CTL, a taxable person includes a non-resident person which has a UAE nexus.Cabinet Decision...
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    Middle East

    UAE Corporate Tax Law: What Constitutes Qualifying Income for Free Zone Persons?

    BackgroundThe UAE enacted its Corporate Tax Law (the “CTL”) in December 2022 (Federal Decree-Law No. (47) of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses). The CTL came into force on 1 June 2023. The main corporate tax rate of 9% applies on income exceeding AED 375,000 (roughly USD 102,000). The CLT provides that the rate of corporate tax which applies to “Qualifying Free Zone Persons” (“QFZP”) is 0% with respect to qualifying income (“Qualifying Income”) and 9% on non-qualifying revenue (“Non-Qualifying Revenue”).After much anticipation,...
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    Middle East

    Corporate Tax Thought Leadership Series: Anti-Abuse Rules for Small Business Relief

    BackgroundThe UAE enacted its Corporate Tax Law in December 2022 (Federal Decree-Law No. (47) of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses). The Corporate Tax Law applies with effect from 1 June 2023. A 9% tax rate will apply on income exceeding AED 375,000 (approx. US$102k). Despite its name, the Corporate Tax Law treats a natural person conducting business in the UAE as a “Resident Person”. Such a person’s business income would be subject to corporate tax in the UAE. Should the legislation not have extended the scope of the Corporate Tax Law to natural persons...
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