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Artículos Recientes


    Sustainable Finance Regulation 2025 Timeline

    Our sustainable finance timeline sets out recent and expected EU, US, UK and International regulatory developments relating to sustainable finance in 2025.  
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    LCIA publishes latest costs and duration analysis: are parties getting value (and efficiency) for money?

    The London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”) has published its third report on the costs and duration of arbitrations conducted under the LCIA arbitration rules, following previous reports published in 2015 and 2017 (the “Report”).  The Report covers all 616 cases that reached a final award between 1 January 2017 and 12 May 2024. This is the longest time period studied by the LCIA to date and apparently the longest time period covered by any costs and duration analysis by any arbitral institution to date.  In that period, the LCIA received the highest...
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    South Africa

    Compliance Alert: Beneficial Ownership Filings and Securities Registers

    On 10 January 2025, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (“CIPC”) issued a notice along with a list of non-compliant entities urging them to submit their beneficial ownership declarations and securities registers by 21 January 2025, failure of which will result in the non-compliant entity being prohibited from transacting with the CIPC. Non-compliant entities will receive compliance notices from the CIPC and may be subjected to administrative fines or ultimately the deregistration of the company.The filing of beneficial ownership declarations and securities registers has...
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    CMS Expert Guide on Beauty

    With a highly circumspect online and IRL consumer, the beauty industry is facing increasing scrutiny on everything from ingredients to their supply chain. For those offering treatment services in particular, which has until now been the wild west of wellness, there’s a shift in consumer demand for transparency and accountability – namely a desire for better regulation and insurance. This follows well documented horror stories in national press worldwide of those travelling to secure these services at bargain prices with catastrophic results.This Expert Guide on Beauty considers...
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    The Employment Equity Amendment Act

    The Employment Equity Amendment Act 4 of 2022 (“Amendment Act”) was published on 13 April 2023 with the effective date to be proclaimed by the President. The Amendment Act has now come into effect on 1 January 2025 following the proclamation by the President by way of notice in the Government Gazette on 12 November 2024.The purpose of the Amendment Act is to introduce amendments to the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 (“EEA”). In terms of the Amendment Act, the following amendments are noteworthy for South African employers:1. People with disabilitiesThe definition of “people...
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    Construction contracts and choice of law for non-co­n­tra­c­tual obligations: risks and opportunities

    Non-contractual claims can in certain circumstances provide additional rights of action which are not otherwise available under a construction contract. The ability to choose the law governing such rights therefore provides an opportunity to employers and contractors to influence the extent to which such claims can be brought. A growing number of countries now permit parties such a choice, either through their domestic conflict of laws rules or as part of their arbitration law. In this Law-Now, we provide a summary of the relevance of non-contractual claims to construction disputes and some recommendations...
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