Droit commercial - Général

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    Ukraine adopts regulation on collection and use of human cells and biospecimens for R&D

    On 30 August 2024, Ukraine introduced its first comprehensive regulation governing the collection, storage, and use of human biospecimens for research and development purposes. The regulation, approved under Cabinet of Ministers’ Resolution No. 999, outlines the legal and ethical framework for biobanking activities involving biomedical research, while safeguarding donor rights and data privacy. The regulation is a significant development in supporting Ukraine’s advancement in health sciences and biotechnology.Key Provisions The key provisions of the regulation include the following:Scope:The...
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    APAC region

    No room for ignorance: Singapore High Court clarifies directors’ duties

    Inter-Pacific Petroleum Pte Ltd (in liquidation) v Goh Jin Hian [2024] SGHC 178 In what could be seen as a wake-up call, the High Court of Singapore clarified the scope of director’s duties in Singapore, emphasizing the minimum standard of care required.BackgroundInter-Pacific Petroleum Pte Ltd (“IPP”), a petrochemical and ship bunkering company, was placed under judicial management in September 2019, and later liquidated in March 2021. IPP had borrowed over US$150 million to fund its cargo trading and bunkering transactions. These sums were never repaid to the banks. IPP’s...
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    United Kingdom

    UK Tax Disputes Digest (Summer 2024)

    Welcome to the Summer 2024 edition of our UK Tax Disputes Digest: a high-level summary of key developments in contentious tax over the last few months for heads of tax, finance directors, general counsel and other in-house professionals.As with previous editions, we have seen a continued increase in HMRC activity across various areas. Both individual and corporate taxpayers would be well-advised to check their tax position as soon as possible to prepare for any potential HMRC investigation into their tax affairs.In this edition, we look at just a few of these developments, including the latest...
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    République Tchèque

    Simplified Enforcement of Monetary Claims in the Czech Republic

    GB CZ
    As of 1 July 2024, there has been a small but significant change in the area of expedited civil judicial procedure in the Czech Republic. Act No. 99/1963 Coll., the Civil Procedure Code, as amended (“ Civil Procedure Code”), has been amended by Act No. 180/2024 Coll., which now allows for substitute delivery of payment orders (including electronic payment orders) when these are served to a data box, an option that was previously excluded.Advantages of Payment OrdersSpeed and Efficiency: Expedited proceedings accelerate the judicial procedure. When issuing a payment order,...
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    Ukraine tightens rules on labelling medicines

    On 21 August 2024, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted amendments to the Law on Medicinal Products as a part of an effort to align Ukrainian legislation with EU regulations, particularly Article 54 of Directive 2001/83/EC. These Amendments, however, introduce stricter rules than the EU legislation.Key provisions of the Amendments:1.    Prohibition on non-compliant labelling:The Amendments strictly prohibit the inclusion of any advertising information or references to entities other than the Marketing Authorisation Holder (MAH) or the manufacturer on the packaging of medicinal...
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    Ukraine to Allow Limited Parallel Import of Medicines from 2025

    On 27 July 2024 a Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning Parallel Import of Medicinal Products (the “Law”) came into force. The Law legalises limited parallel import regime for medicinal products as of 1 January 2025.The Law will bring the following key changes: From 1 January 2025, the parallel import of medicines into Ukraine will be lawful. At first, it will be possible to import medicines into Ukraine from EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway only.It will be allowed to import medicines identical or similar to those registered in...
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