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    Ukraine launches large-scale privatisation

    The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) has unveiled the Large Privatisation-2024 project, an ambitious initiative to attract strategic investors and stimulate economic growth through the privatisation of state-owned assets.Following the success of small-scale privatisation efforts, this initiative is a key element of Ukraine’s broader economic reform strategy. It aims to enhance transparency, improve efficiency, and drive foreign investment into the country. The key highlights of the privatisation effort are as follows:Top assets for privatisation. The programme has identified several...
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    Bulgaria opens EU-funded 3000 MWh stand-alone battery storage facility tender

    On 21 August 2024, the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy opened a tender procedure for National infrastructure for storage of renewable energy (RESTORE) for granting stand-alone battery energy storage system (BESS) tender funded under the EU’s Recovery Resilience Facility (the “Procedure”).The deadline for submitting applications will be 17:00 on 21 November 2024. Bids must be submitted electronically only.The Procedure aims to provide funding for the construction and implementation of at leasta 3000 MWh stand-alone battery storage facility. The total amount of the grant that can be...
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    Bulgaria to tender stand-alone battery storage with EU grants - more than 3000 MWh to be funded by EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility

    On 25 July 2024, the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy closed the open discussion on the terms and conditions for the upcoming battery energy storage system (BESS) tender, deciding that more than 3000 MWh will be funded by grants from the EU’s Recovery Resilience Facility.1. Expected Tender RequirementsThe BESS tender is part of Bulgaria’s RESTORE Project, which aims to provide funding for constructing and putting into operation at least 3000 MWh in battery storage capacity to enhance the balancing of the electricity system. Each enterprise can bid for up to BGN 148,642,080 in grant support....
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    TMO4+ and “First Ready, First Connected” – musings from the workgroup reports

    OverviewThe following is an update to our initial Law Now titled “TMO4+ and “First Ready, First Connected” – reforming a disorderly queue?” dated 29 May 2024 which primarily reported on CUSC Modification Proposals (“CMP”) 434 and 435 as they were originally set out in National Grid Electricity System Operator’s (“NGESO”) original proposal form.Since then, the connection reform process has continued at pace through a series of workgroup consultations, culminating in workgroup reports for the CMP 434 and 435 proposals being published on...
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    Ukraine approves new National Energy and Climate Plan

    On 25 June 2024 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the National Energy and Climate Plan (NEC Plan) for the period up to 2030 as part of Ukraine's effort to achieve EU climate neutrality targets through a national energy climate plan that combines EU initiatives and national policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop the renewable energy sector.The NEC Plan, a strategic document aimed at harmonising Ukraine's energy and climate policies to ensure sustainable development and economic recovery, was developed as part of Ukraine's obligations within the framework of the Treaty...
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    Consultation on revised NPPF launched – dramatic changes as promised for the planning sector

    Yesterday, the Government launched an 8 week consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which is scheduled to run until 11.45pm on 24 September 2024.The draft largely follows through on Labour’s pre-election promises to take “decisive and early” action on planning reform. We outline below the key proposed revisions to the NPPF that emphasise the strong growth-focussed approach this Government intends to take with the planning system.  Changes to the NPPF will still take a number of months to come into effect due to the consultation requirements,...
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