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    Consultation on revised NPPF launched – dramatic changes as promised for the planning sector

    Yesterday, the Government launched an 8 week consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which is scheduled to run until 11.45pm on 24 September 2024.The draft largely follows through on Labour’s pre-election promises to take “decisive and early” action on planning reform. We outline below the key proposed revisions to the NPPF that emphasise the strong growth-focussed approach this Government intends to take with the planning system.  Changes to the NPPF will still take a number of months to come into effect due to the consultation requirements,...
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    Energy and climate change: The most significant (marine) climate change decision yet?

    Continuing the theme of a number of recent court judgment regarding state and party obligations concerning climate change issues, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (“ITLOS”) has recently delivered its advisory opinion (the “Opinion”) regarding State obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (“UNCLOS”) in relation to the prevention, reduction and control of pollution of the marine environment that result or are likely to result from climate change.The Opinion arrived only a few weeks following the ECtHR’s milestone...
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    United Kingdom

    Could Supreme Court sewage decision open the floodgates?

    A judgment of the Supreme Court, handed down earlier this week, could lead to an increase in claims against sewage companies initiated by private companies and individuals.Summary and backgroundIn The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd (Appellant) v United Utilities Water Ltd (Respondent) (No 2) [2024] UKSC 22, the Supreme Court was asked to decide whether the existing statutory framework governing the supply of water and provision of sewerage prevented the owner of a waterway from taking action against a utility company responsible for discharging sewage into the water.The judgment marks the conclusion...
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    Specification of the European publication obligations for data centres

    European Commission specifies the publication obligations for data centre operators - what operators can expect now and in future.Last year we reported on the new German Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG) ("Energy Efficiency Act") Under the Energy Efficiency Act, data centre operators are required to publish certain information on energy consumption, the proportion of renewable energies in electricity consumption, energy efficiency, etc. and to report it to a national database.The European Commission has expanded the reporting obligations in the Energy Efficiency DirectiveThe European Commission has...
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    Poland to create regulatory environment for development of hydrogen market

    GB PL
    In May 2024, the Polish government published the legislative package known as the ‘Hydrogen Constitution’, a milestone in achieving the goals of Poland’s hydrogen strategy. The draft lays the foundations for the development of the green hydrogen market for achieving climate neutrality and strengthening the competitiveness of the Polish economy.Background, genesis and scope of the changesAlthough Poland is currently one of the leading hydrogen producers in the EU, this production primarily relies on grey hydrogen, which is produced through reforming natural gas or other hydrocarbons...
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    United Kingdom

    Third time lucky? UK government’s emissions reduction plan ruled unlawful again

    The High Court of Justice in England and Wales has once again struck down the UK government's plan to achieve the carbon budgets for the periods from 2023 to 2037 as unlawful. This marks the second time in less than 2 years that the High Court has determined the plans for achieving legally binding emissions reduction targets to be critically flawed and not in accordance with the 2008 Climate Change Act (CCA).Following a successful challenge to a previous plan, campaign groups challenged a revised “Carbon Budget Delivery Plan” (CBDP), arguing it still failed to properly account for and...
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