Fusions & acquisitions

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    Listing Act i zmiany wchodzące w życie już w pierwszym tygodniu grudnia 2024 r.

    Już 4 grudnia 2024 r. wejdą w życie pierwsze zmiany wprowadzone na podstawie tzw. Listing Act, mające na celu zwiększenie atrakcyjności rynków kapitałowych w UE. Z perspektywy emitentów i potencjalnych emitentów, kluczowe zmiany dotyczą tzw. rozporządzenia prospektowego i rozporządzenia MAR. Poniżej znajduje się podsumowanie najważniejszych zmian wprowadzanych przez Listing Act:Najważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu MAR:Wejście w życieNajważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu...
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    Comprendre l'assurance garantie et indemnisation

    Comprendre l'assurance garantie et indemnisationQu'est-ce que l'assurance W&I ?L'assurance garantie et indemnisation ('Warranty and Indemnity' W&I) est un produit d'assurance couramment utilisé dans les opérations de fusion et d'acquisition. Elle est conçue pour protéger l'assuré contre les pertes financières résultant de la violation des garanties et de certaines indemnités accordées par le vendeur dans les documents de transaction d'une opération de fusion et d'acquisition.Pourquoi souscrire une assurance W&I ?Dans...
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    Swiss Federal Criminal Court rules a merger by absorption does not constitute a definitive impediment to a criminal proceeding against the transferring company

    On 19 August 2024, the Appeal Court of the Swiss Federal Criminal Court ruled on the question of whether, in the context of the merger by absorption between two banks, the criminal liability of the transferring company can be attributed to the acquiring company or whether the dissolution of the transferring company without liquidation constitutes a final procedural impediment.In its ruling, the Court recalled that procedural provisions that apply to natural persons are in principle applicable to legal persons, such as the presumption of innocence. No parallel between the death of an individual...
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    United Kingdom

    UK Tax Disputes Digest (Summer 2024)

    Welcome to the Summer 2024 edition of our UK Tax Disputes Digest: a high-level summary of key developments in contentious tax over the last few months for heads of tax, finance directors, general counsel and other in-house professionals.As with previous editions, we have seen a continued increase in HMRC activity across various areas. Both individual and corporate taxpayers would be well-advised to check their tax position as soon as possible to prepare for any potential HMRC investigation into their tax affairs.In this edition, we look at just a few of these developments, including the latest...
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    Ukraine launches large-scale privatisation

    The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) has unveiled the Large Privatisation-2024 project, an ambitious initiative to attract strategic investors and stimulate economic growth through the privatisation of state-owned assets.Following the success of small-scale privatisation efforts, this initiative is a key element of Ukraine’s broader economic reform strategy. It aims to enhance transparency, improve efficiency, and drive foreign investment into the country. The key highlights of the privatisation effort are as follows:Top assets for privatisation. The programme has identified several...
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    United Kingdom

    Changes to the UK Listing Rules: Focus on the Controlling Shareholder Regime

    The Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) new listing rules came into force on 29 July 2024 and aim to simplify and streamline the regulatory framework, reduce the administrative burden on issuers, and enhance investor protection and market integrity.With those aims in mind, the FCA has decided to largely retain the controlling shareholder regime that was applicable to premium listed companies in the new Equity Shares in Commercial Companies (ESCC) category of listed companies. However, there are some notable changes to the regime, some reducing the administrative burden on issuers and others...
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