Immobilier - Financement

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eAlerts Récentes

    United Kingdom

    Identifying the correct operator for terminating Electronic Communication Code agreements

    SummaryLandowners need to carefully consider which is the relevant operator for the purposes of terminating agreements relating to electronic communications apparatus under the Electronic Communications Code (Code). In a decision applicable to Code wayleaves and licences entered into before 28 December 2017, the Upper Tribunal has held that, even if such an agreement has been assigned by the original operator party to another party, the original party may remain the relevant operator for the purposes of termination under part 5 of the Code, where it retains primary responsibility for performing...
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    Moveable Transactions - save the date: 1st April 2025

    Just in time for Christmas, three gifts of statutory instruments to implement the Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act 2023 (the “Act”) have been made and laid before the Scottish Parliament. We can now look forward with certainty to the long-awaited reform of the law on taking security over moveable property in Scotland.This briefing provides an update on these SSIs and proposals for early 2025.
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    England and Wales

    Energy performance of buildings consultation launched

    Summary  On 4 December 2024 the Government launched a consultation on reforms to the energy performance of buildings regime. The topics covered include improving the applicability, quality and data usage of energy performance certificates in domestic and non-domestic buildings, refining requirements for energy performance certificates and display energy certificates, and updating the metrics of energy performance certificates. This is an opportunity for the property industry to give its views on reform of the legislative position on the energy performance of buildings. The period for responding...
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    High street rental auctions - non-statutory guidance published

    SummaryFollowing the coming into force of the legislation for high street rental auctions on 2 December 2024, the Government has now published its non-statutory guidance on the operation of this new regime. Property owners will be interested to see the detail of and approach to high street rental auctions, which may have an adverse impact on their control of vacant commercial premises on the high street.Detailed guidance on high street rental auctions[1]In our Law-Now Compulsory powers to take control of empty high street properties we commented on the new regulations for high street rental auctions...
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    Compulsory powers to take control of empty high street premises

    Summary High street rental auctions of vacant high street premises have been trailed for a long time and were originally proposed by the previous Conservative Government. On 11 November 2024 the Labour Government laid before Parliament the regulations for High street rental auctions (HSRAs): The Local Authorities (Rental Auctions) (England) and Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) Regulations 2024. They come into force on 2 December 2024 and apply to England only. HSRAs will allow local authorities to tackle persistently vacant premises in city, town and...
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    United Kingdom

    Data Centres officially designated as “Critical National In­fras­truc­ture” – the first CNI designation in nearly a decade

    Summary 12 September 2024 was an important milestone for the UK’s digital future as the UK government has officially designated data centres, which store a substantial portion of the nation’s data, as ‘Critical National Infrastructure’.Designation of data centres as Critical National Infrastructure (CNI)This is a significant decision which acknowledges the key role and fundamental importance that data centres now play in today’s digital economy and modern-day life where the use of AI is growing exponentially.  Data centres are the central nervous system of...
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