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    Listing Act i zmiany wchodzące w życie już w pierwszym tygodniu grudnia 2024 r.

    Już 4 grudnia 2024 r. wejdą w życie pierwsze zmiany wprowadzone na podstawie tzw. Listing Act, mające na celu zwiększenie atrakcyjności rynków kapitałowych w UE. Z perspektywy emitentów i potencjalnych emitentów, kluczowe zmiany dotyczą tzw. rozporządzenia prospektowego i rozporządzenia MAR. Poniżej znajduje się podsumowanie najważniejszych zmian wprowadzanych przez Listing Act:Najważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu MAR:Wejście w życieNajważniejsze zmiany w rozporządzeniu...
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    United Kingdom

    The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023: Companies House publishes timetable for implementation

    Companies House has published its much awaited plan (Transition Plan) for implementation of some of the key provisions of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (ECCTA) not yet in force. Delivering the Transition Plan still requires significant investment in terms of Companies House systems and processes, as well as Parliamentary time to enact further secondary legislation. As a result, the new provisions are to be implemented in phases with Companies House anticipating that it will take until 2027 to complete.BackgroundThe ECCTA was enacted as part of Government efforts to combat...
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    APAC region

    No room for ignorance: Singapore High Court clarifies directors’ duties

    Inter-Pacific Petroleum Pte Ltd (in liquidation) v Goh Jin Hian [2024] SGHC 178 In what could be seen as a wake-up call, the High Court of Singapore clarified the scope of director’s duties in Singapore, emphasizing the minimum standard of care required.BackgroundInter-Pacific Petroleum Pte Ltd (“IPP”), a petrochemical and ship bunkering company, was placed under judicial management in September 2019, and later liquidated in March 2021. IPP had borrowed over US$150 million to fund its cargo trading and bunkering transactions. These sums were never repaid to the banks. IPP’s...
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    United Kingdom

    Cyber Security and Resilience Bill: what businesses and insurers need to know

    Whilst receiving limited fanfare, the UK Labour government has announced a new Cyber Security and Resilience Bill (Cyber Bill) as part of its legislative package in its first King’s Speech. Contrary to certain expectations, there was no announcement of specific AI regulations, but future AI legislation was signposted.The Cyber Bill is part of the government’s pledge to enhance and strengthen the UK’s cybersecurity measures and protect the digital economy. It is largely in response to recent high-profile cyber incidents impacting key services and infrastructure, such as hospitals,...
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    United Kingdom

    Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023: changes expected to come into force on 4 March 2024

    From Spring 2024 we expect the role of Companies House and the Registrar of Companies (Registrar) to change significantly from simply incorporating companies and being a largely passive information recipient and depository to being a pro-active regulator with clear objectives and the powers to fulfil them.Changes affecting the ongoing administration of companies and limited liability partnerships are also expected to come into force at the same time. Although no implementing regulation has been published yet, Companies House has announced that the date it is working to is 4 March 2024.The changes...
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    Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism transition in effect since 1 October 2023

    On 1 October 2023, a two-year transitional period began for implementation of Regulation (EU) 2023/956, which introduces the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). CBAM levies punitive CO2 charges against third-country importers of certain goods and only permits CBAM declarants to import these goods into the EU. Although reporting obligations have been imposed for the two-year transition period, CBAM does not fully go into effect until 1 January 2026.A. General InformationFrom 1 January 2026, importers of specific goods from third countries will be required to pay punitive CO2 charges under...
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