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    CMS Annual Review of English Construction Law Developments: An International Perspective

    We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2024 edition of our internationally focused Annual Review of English Construction Law Developments. The Annual Review summarises key developments in English construction law over the previous calendar year including developments in related common law jurisdictions. The publication has been prepared with our international clients in mind and aims to provide a greater degree of background and analysis than our regular Law-Now alert service.This year’s edition has a strong focus on exclusion and limitation clauses, with more than half of the...
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    Appel à contributions de la Commission européenne sur la révision des lignes directrices relatives aux aides d'État dans le secteur de l'aviation

    La Commission européenne a lancé le 27 août 2024 un appel à contributions concernant les aides d’Etat dans le secteur du transport aérien. La consultation se déroulera jusqu'au 8 octobre 2024.Les lignes directrices de 2014 sur les aides d'État aux aéroports et aux compagnies aériennes prévoient :L'interprétation de la notion d'aide d'État pour les interventions publiques en faveur d’aéroports et de compagnies aériennes ;Les conditions de compatibilité des aides à l'investissement...
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    New Investment Management Exemption regime in Italy - Scope and comparative aspects with the United Kingdom, Germany and France

    Italy recently introduced an Investment Management Exemption regime (IME) which provides a protective framework to ensure that foreign investment vehicles (and directly or indirectly controlled entities) do not trigger a permanent establishment (“PE”) where their investment manager, operating in Italy on their behalf or for their benefit, can be assumed to be acting independently.The protective regime eventually became fully operational on 28 February 2024 with the publication of guidelines by the Italian Tax Authorities. In the article, the editorial team outlines the rationale...
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    CMS Data Protection Update EU and Germany, August 2024

    I.    The latest from the data protection authorities and current topics1.    AI Act: Legislative proceedings finalisedThe legislative proceedings for the AI Act have been completed and came into effect on 1 August 2024. The CMS homepage provides an overview: Looking ahead to the EU AI Act ( The data protection authorities have published the following notifications and are gearing up for their new duties: Statement 3/2024 of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) on data protection authorities' role in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act...
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    Antibody Appeals Uncovered

    Since the first approval of Muromonab-CD3 in 1986, antibodies have become progressively more common, frequently reaching a ‘blockbuster’ status. According to statistics provided by Statista in March, 5 out of 10 top-selling drugs were antibodies in 2023. Therefore, patents related to antibodies are now of considerable interest and significance to the pharmaceutical industry. They provide protection for commercially important inventions, spur further investment, and allow patients to benefit from these therapeutics. Our report provides a high-level analysis of the Board of Appeal decisions...
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    The ESAs provide additional clarifications under SFDR

    On 25 July 2024, the European Supervisory Authorities (the “ESAs”) published an updated version of the consolidated questions and answers (the “Q&As”) on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation[1] (the “SFDR”).The updated Q&As clarify, inter alia, elements related to (i) the responsibility of registered AIFMs regarding the Article 10 SFDR requirements, (ii) the assessment and measurement of “sustainable investments” under Article 2(17) SFDR, (iii) the calculation of investments aligned with the EU Taxonomy and of principle adverse impact...
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