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    Nouvelle fiscalité des SCI françaises : quels impacts pour les résidents suisses ?

    Nouvelle fiscalité des SCI françaises : quels impacts pour les résidents suisses ?Les Sociétés Civiles Immobilières (SCI) sont des entités juridiques utilisées pour la gestion et la détention de biens immobiliers, réputées être un moyen efficace d'investir dans l'immobilier en France. De nombreux résidents suisses choisissent d'acquérir des biens en France à travers ces SCI. Historiquement, le traitement fiscal des SCI pouvait varier d'un canton suisse à l'autre, mais il était généralement...
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    CMS Data Protection Update EU and Germany, August 2024

    I.    The latest from the data protection authorities and current topics1.    AI Act: Legislative proceedings finalisedThe legislative proceedings for the AI Act have been completed and came into effect on 1 August 2024. The CMS homepage provides an overview: Looking ahead to the EU AI Act ( The data protection authorities have published the following notifications and are gearing up for their new duties: Statement 3/2024 of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) on data protection authorities' role in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act...
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    Antibody Appeals Uncovered

    Since the first approval of Muromonab-CD3 in 1986, antibodies have become progressively more common, frequently reaching a ‘blockbuster’ status. According to statistics provided by Statista in March, 5 out of 10 top-selling drugs were antibodies in 2023. Therefore, patents related to antibodies are now of considerable interest and significance to the pharmaceutical industry. They provide protection for commercially important inventions, spur further investment, and allow patients to benefit from these therapeutics. Our report provides a high-level analysis of the Board of Appeal decisions...
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    TMO4+ and “First Ready, First Connected” – musings from the workgroup reports

    OverviewThe following is an update to our initial Law Now titled “TMO4+ and “First Ready, First Connected” – reforming a disorderly queue?” dated 29 May 2024 which primarily reported on CUSC Modification Proposals (“CMP”) 434 and 435 as they were originally set out in National Grid Electricity System Operator’s (“NGESO”) original proposal form.Since then, the connection reform process has continued at pace through a series of workgroup consultations, culminating in workgroup reports for the CMP 434 and 435 proposals being published on...
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    Swiss FINMA communicates its stablecoin practice

    On 26 July 2024, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) published a new Guidance 06/2024 on stablecoins, which covers the development of its practice and focuses on the classification of stablecoins, anti-money laundering regulations and banking guarantees issuance/requirements. This Guidance complements the supplement to the guidelines for enquiries regarding the regulatory framework for initial coin offerings (ICOs) published on 11 September 2019 (2019 Guidelines).Stablecoins classificationAccording to the FINMA, stablecoins pursue the objective of providing a means of payment...
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    EU AI Act – Focus on Enforcement: the EU governance structure

    On 1 August 2024, the Regulation laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act) will enter into force. As a European regulation, the AI Act will apply directly in all 27 EU member states and is intended to make a significant contribution to achieving the European digital strategy (A Europe fit for the digital age). In this, the second article in our series on the implementation of the AI Act, we provide an overview of the European AI governance structure. Understanding this structure is important to understand the roles of the administrative bodies that will have oversight...
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