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    Hungary introduces new comprehensive laws for NIS2 transposition

    On 20 December 2024, the Hungarian Parliament adopted Act LXIX of 2024 on Cybersecurity in Hungary ("Cybersecurity Act"), which repealed the  partial NIS2 transposition Act XXIII of 2023 on Cybersecurity Certification and Cybersecurity Supervision. The new Cybersecurity Act, which went into effect on 1 January 2025, and Government Decree 418/2024 (XII. 23.) on the implementation of Hungary’s Cybersecurity Act transposes the EU’s NIS2 Directive, introduces additional network and information security requirements and establishes related supervisory and procedural rules.What entities...
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    Hungary makes changes to employment and guest worker residence permits

    The Hungarian government issued Government Decree 450/2024 (XII. 23.) on the employment of guest workers in Hungary, which amends the detailed rules on the issuance of certain residence permits set out in Act XC of 2023 on the General Rules for the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals. In addition, the Minister for National Economy issued Decree NGM 51/2024 (XII. 23.) on the total number of residence permits for employment purposes and guest worker residence permits that can be issued annually in Hungary.These Decrees, which entered into force on 1 January 2025, include the...
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    CMS Expert Guide on Beauty

    With a highly circumspect online and IRL consumer, the beauty industry is facing increasing scrutiny on everything from ingredients to their supply chain. For those offering treatment services in particular, which has until now been the wild west of wellness, there’s a shift in consumer demand for transparency and accountability – namely a desire for better regulation and insurance. This follows well documented horror stories in national press worldwide of those travelling to secure these services at bargain prices with catastrophic results.This Expert Guide on Beauty considers...
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    Hungary to introduce retail tax for online platform operators on 1 January 2025

    Following the increase in the tax rates of the retail tax within the framework of the extra-profit taxes in 2022, Hungary is now extending the scope of taxable persons obliged to pay retail tax.As of 1 January 2025, retail tax will not be payable by retailers doing business via online platforms. Instead, these taxes will be paid by the operators of the platform connected to the salesperson and the user. The legislation defines platforms by the EU’s DAC7 definition. Retailers using the platforms are required to provide data on their platform sales to the tax authority.Both foreign and...
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    Hungary to make major changes to legal costs in Hungary: what you need to know

    Starting in 2025, Hungary will implement comprehensive reforms to its legal cost structure, reshaping both court fees and lawyers’ fees in significant ways. These changes, set out in two separate pieces of legislation, will modernise the legal framework, ensure fairness, and better reflect the complexity of legal proceedings. The following article breakdowns the relevant changes and their implications for litigants and businesses.New Rules for lawyers’ FeesA recently promulgated ministerial decree that comes into effect on 8 February 2025 will replace the obsolete legislation currently...
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    Belgium’s new Private Investigation Act: What employers need to know

    The Belgian Private Investigation Act, which will replace the 1991 Act regulating private detective activities, introduces significant changes that employers must address. With the Belgian parliament’s passage of the Act on 8 May 2024, and its publication in the Belgian Official Gazette on 6 December 2024, the Act has come into force and employers should act now to ensure they are compliant.A. Key highlights for employers1. Modernisation of the legal frameworkThe Act reflects advancements in investigation methods and aligns with GDPR standards, safeguarding individual rights while supporting...
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