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Recent Articles

    United Kingdom

    Procurement Reform – on track for the ‘go live’ date of 28 October 2024

    The UK will have a General Election on 4 July. This means we are currently in the ‘pre-election’ period where decisions related to policy matters are expected to be deferred until after the election in case any new government has a different outlook. Will this affect the ‘go live’ date of the Procurement Act 2023 (the ‘Act’)?The path to the ‘go live’ dateThe Cabinet Office has confirmed that the go live date of 28 October should not be affected by the General Election as the Act is already legislation. Planning for the new regime to come into force...
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    EU introduces criminal offences and penalties for sanctions violations

    Criminal offencesUnder the Directive, the following conduct constitutes a criminal offence when committed intentionally and in violation of restrictive measures or a national provision implementing restrictive measures:making funds or economic resources available directly or indirectly to, or for the benefit of, a designated person, entity or body;failing to freeze funds or economic resources belonging to or owned, held or controlled by a designated person, entity or body;enabling designated natural persons to enter into, or transit through, the territory of a EU member state;entering into or continuing...
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    Hungary expands scope of child protection measures

    Limitations and bans on the sale of specific products designed for childrenWith effect from 5 September 2021, the amendment to Government Decree No. 210/2009. (IX. 29.) on the Conditions for Performing Commercial Activities introduced special restrictions and prohibitions on the sale of certain products. By passing Government Decree No. 93/2024. (IV. 23.) on the Amendment of Government Decrees Related to Consumer Protection, the government has now broadened the scope of these limitations and bans with effect from 8 May 2024 as follows:It is prohibited to display in a shop window any product intended...
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    United Kingdom

    The Procurement Act 2023 ‘goes live’ on 28 October 2024

    The Government has announced that it is working towards a ‘go-live’ date for the new procurement regime of  28 October 2024. This marks the beginning of the six month preparation period for contracting authorities, utilities and suppliers to the public, utilities and defence sectors.Guidance for transitional arrangementsOn 22 April, the Cabinet Office published guidance for transitional arrangements.The guidance sets out how the changeover from the previous legislation to the Procurement Act 2023 (the ‘Act’) should be managed and effected by contracting authorities,...
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    EC closes first investigation in Bulgaria under new EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation

    On 16 February 2024, the European Commission (EC) opened its first investigation under the Foreign Subsidiaries Regulation (FSR) in relation to a BGN 1.2 billion (EUR 610 million) public procurement initiated by Bulgaria's Ministry of Transport and Communications on 4 January 2024 for the tender of 20 electric “push-pull” trains, including their maintenance over 15 years and the education of staff. The investigation was initiated following notification from a Chinese company participating in the public procurement procedure.Following the EC's announcement of an in-depth FSR investigation,...
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    Nya regler om tillsyn över offentliga upphandlingar

    Den 30 november 2023 beslutade riksdagen att anta regeringens proposition 2023/24:3 om en effektivare upphandlingstillsyn. Ändringarna kommer att börja gälla den 1 januari 2024. Regeringens förslag avser att stärka Konkurrensverkets roll i övervakningen av offentlig upphandling.De nya reglerna innebär bland annat att Konkurrensverket ges utökade befogenheter vid beslut om upphandlingsskadeavgifter, en förlängd tidsfrist för att fatta beslut om upphandlingsskadeavgifter samt en fördubbling av det maximala beloppet för upphandlingsavgifter...
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