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Recent Articles

    United Kingdom

    CMS Life Sciences Vital Signs Winter 2024/2025

    In our winter edition of Vital Signs we review how the new Labour Government in the UK aims to bring about significant changes to the life sciences & healthcare sector. We consider some key aspects of the party’s pre-election life sciences strategy and some sector-targeted actions taken by Labour since winning power. The Labour Government has also delivered on its promise to introduce an Employment Rights Bill within its first 100 days of office which it has described as the “biggest upgrade to rights at work for a generation”. That, along with a new duty to prevent sexual...
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    2025 – Topics that may Concern You

    Companies doing business in China constantly have to deal with changes in regulations and new laws. This will also continue in 2025.Topics such as the new PRC Company Law, new PRC Tariff Law, PRC Regulations on Export Control of Dual-Use Items, network data security management, data transfer, opening up capital markets to foreign investment, and raise of statutory retirement age of employees etc. will continue to be a concern for many companies in China in 2025.Complying with regulatory requirements is one of the key challenges for foreign companies and investors in China, not only in terms of...
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    Hungary to introduce new statistical clas­si­fic­a­tion for economic activities on 1 January 2025

    As of 1 January 2025, a new version of the statistical industrial classification of activities (NACE’25) will replace the currently applicable classification system (NACE’08). The change was mandated by EU legislation, and as a result from 1 January 2025 economic activities pursued by Hungarian companies must be classified according to the new NACE’25.Hungary’s parliament has just adopted the act outlining the obligations of Hungarian companies regarding the upcoming changes to the activity-classification system specified below.Until 31 January 2025, the National Tax and...
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    United Kingdom

    Procurement Act go-live delayed to February 2025; but no hold-up in preparations for the new regime

    The six-month implementation period for entry into force of the new UK Procurement Act 2023 has been delayed a further four-months, with the new go-live date now being pushed back to 24 February 2025. This delay has not held up the Cabinet Office’s engagement with public sector and suppliers on the new features of the new Act, introducing the new Procurement Pathway for contracting authorities and engaging with suppliers on registering with the new Supplier Registration Service.Cabinet statement – reasons for delayThe new National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS) issued in May before...
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    The new payment rules in public procurement are also of relevance in the healthcare sector

    NL FR
    The new payment rules (Royal Decree of 12 August 2024) put an end to the classic distinction between the verification period and the subsequent payment period. Starting from 1 January 2025, a single processing period will be the starting point. For hospitals (and other contracting authorities active in the healthcare sector), a processing period of 60 days will be applied, which can be extended, where necessary, by a verification period of 30 days, particularly for contracts related to their specific activity in the healthcare sector. In this newsletter, the rules specific to healthcare sector...
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    Hungary begins im­ple­ment­a­tion of EU AI Act with passage of Resolution

    The Hungarian government has issued Resolution 1301/2024. (IX. 30.), which establishes the foundation for creating the body responsible for implementing the tasks required by the EU AI Act. In issuing this resolution, Hungary has begun preparations for enforcing the regulation, which means that companies should now prepare for compliance by reviewing the AI systems they use, assessing these systems' alignment with the EU AI Act's requirements, and preparing the necessary risk management documentation to ensure transparency, accountability, and safety.Hungary’s new enforcement body will:Operate...
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