Public Sector

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Recent Articles


    Italian Supreme Court Upholds OECD Transfer Pricing Rules

    The decisions of the Italian Supreme Court nos. 10577/2024 and 10499/2024 (concerning the same case for corporate income tax and regional income tax purposes) confirm important principles regarding transfer pricing transactions between associated companies.Firstly, the approach taken in the previous decision of the Italian Supreme Court no. 15668/2022 (available here) is confirmed with regard to the relevance of the arm’s length principle set forth by Article 9 of the OECD Model Tax Convention and included in Article 110, par. 7 of the Italian Income Tax Code.Moreover, the principle that,...
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    United Kingdom

    SFO’s Strategy for 2024-2029 – New Emphasis for the SFO

    The UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has unveiled its strategy for 2024-2029.  The Strategy reads rather more clearly and concisely than many corporate vision-statements of this sort, perhaps reflecting the pragmatic approach of the new Director, Nick Ephgrave QPM. There is considerable , and laudable, emphasis on values, technology and attracting “the brightest and best”.   Here are some of the more interesting highlights:ECCTA and Increased Investigatory PowersPrevious SFO Directors have strongly advocated for law reform, in particular extending the ambit of corporate...
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    Military transactions to be exempt from merger control during state of war in Ukraine

    On 16 May 2024, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine and other Laws of Ukraine regarding the Peculiarities of Customs Control and Customs Clearance of Certain Categories of Goods” came into force after being passed by parliament on 20 March 2024.In addition to introducing amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine on customs control and customs clearance of biomethane transported by pipeline, the law amends the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Economic Competition", which provides merger control exemption for transactions taking place outside Ukraine to develop...
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    Digital nomad tax insights

    The new visa for digital nomads might become a particularly interesting option for workers who may benefit from the so called “impatriate” tax regime following their relocation to Italy. The Decree of February 29, 2024, in force since April 5th, has established the entry and residence permit issuance procedures for "digital nomads" and "remote workers".The provisions apply to non-EU citizens who perform highly skilled work using technological tools that allow remote work; more specifically this definition refers to self-employed foreign workers (digital nomads) or foreign employees...
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    Ukraine changes rules for the military draft

    The Ukrainian parliament has adopted a number of laws changing the procedure, criteria and liability for non-compliance with the rules of the military draft in Ukraine. This new legislation includes the following: Law #3127-IX on Introducing Changes in the Law of Ukraine “On Military Obligation and Military Service” (Law 3127);Law #3621-IX on Introducing Changes in several Laws of Ukraine regarding Ensuring Rights of the Servicemen and Policemen for Social Protection (Law 3621);Law #3633-IX on Introducing Changes in several Legislative acts of Ukraine regarding Particular Issues...
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    EU introduces criminal offences and penalties for sanctions violations

    Criminal offencesUnder the Directive, the following conduct constitutes a criminal offence when committed intentionally and in violation of restrictive measures or a national provision implementing restrictive measures:making funds or economic resources available directly or indirectly to, or for the benefit of, a designated person, entity or body;failing to freeze funds or economic resources belonging to or owned, held or controlled by a designated person, entity or body;enabling designated natural persons to enter into, or transit through, the territory of a EU member state;entering into or continuing...
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