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    US FCC issues USD 6 m fine for illegal robocalls – the takeaways and parallels in the EU AI Act

    On 23 May 2024 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a penalty of USD 6 million against a political adviser for illegal robocalls using deepfake generative artificial intelligence (AI) voice messages in a political campaign. This case shows that even without explicit deepfake and AI regulations, it is possible to take serious action against such conduct. The following article summarises the takeaways of this US case and outlines the parallels and relevant provisions in the European Union’s AI Act.BackgroundDuring the 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary Election, a political...
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    United Kingdom

    How might AI be regulated following the UK general election?

    In advance of the UK general election on 4 July 2024, we consider the manifesto commitments made in relation to artificial intelligence (AI) by the five main political parties (the Conservatives, Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party and Reform UK).What is the current approach to regulating AI in the UK?The EU AI Act, which is due to enter into force this August, has been described as the world’s first comprehensive AI law. In contrast with the EU, the UK has not put in place AI-specific legislation and has not created a new AI regulator or authority to enforce AI-related laws. Instead,...
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    United Kingdom

    SFO’s Strategy for 2024-2029 – New Emphasis for the SFO

    The UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has unveiled its strategy for 2024-2029.  The Strategy reads rather more clearly and concisely than many corporate vision-statements of this sort, perhaps reflecting the pragmatic approach of the new Director, Nick Ephgrave QPM. There is considerable , and laudable, emphasis on values, technology and attracting “the brightest and best”.   Here are some of the more interesting highlights:ECCTA and Increased Investigatory PowersPrevious SFO Directors have strongly advocated for law reform, in particular extending the ambit of corporate...
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    Compliance with Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Law by October 2024

    Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection (“Personal Data Protection Law” or “PDPL”) was enacted by the Government of Indonesia on 17 October 2022. Article 74 of the PDPL provides for a 2 year transitional period for businesses to comply with the provisions of the PDPL. In August 2023, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (“MOCI”) published the draft of the Government Regulation on the Implementing Regulations of the PDPL (“Draft Implementing Regulations”). The Draft Implementing Regulations provide some clarity for businesses planning...
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    Enforcement of the EU AI Act: The EU AI Office

    On 21 May 2024, the Council of the European Union adopted the Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence or the AI Act. As the world's first comprehensive law to regulate artificial intelligence, the AI Act establishes uniform requirements for the development and use of artificial intelligence in the EU. Once signed, the Regulation will be published in the Official Journal of the EU and will enter into force 20 days after publication.As a European regulation, the AI Act applies in all 27 EU member states, and is a key component of the European digital strategy (A Europe...
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    England and Wales

    New International Standard for AI Application, Development and Use (ISO/IEC 5339:2024)

    Introduction  The International Organisation for Standardisation (the “ISO”) has recently developed a new standard on AI, ISO/IEC 5339:2024 (“ISO 5339”). ISO 5339 was published in early 2024 and aims to establish a common framework that the relevant stakeholders can use to provide answers to the question: “What are the characteristics and considerations of an AI application?”. ISO 5339 should facilitate consistent stakeholder engagement throughout the AI system life cycle, promoting responsible AI development and implementation.Understanding a Process StandardAs...
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