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    From tax reform to the quicksands of Arizona

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    1. The topics addressed by the coalition agreementAfter eight months of negotiations, Belgium’s new federal government, known as the Arizona coalition, has been established and has reached an agreement on numerous issues including tax reform.The following article summarises the tax proposals of the new coalition government in Belgium:2.  Companies2.1. Dividend received deduction The tax regime of “Dividend received deduction” (arising from the transposition into Belgian law of the regime provided for in the European Parent-Subsidiary Directive) aims, under certain...
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    Hungary issues decrees on cybersecurity audit and annual supervision fee

    On 31 January 2025, Hungary published two highly anticipated cybersecurity decrees under the Hungarian Cybersecurity Act, which transposes the NIS2 Directive. The decrees include SZTFH Decree 1/2025 (I. 31.), which contains the procedures for conducting a cybersecurity audit and the maximum fee for a cybersecurity audit; and SZTFH Decree 2/2025 (I. 31.), which details the amount and payment of the yearly cybersecurity supervision fee.Scope of cybersecurity auditsSZTFH Decree 1/2025 (I. 31.) lays down detailed rules on audit methodology, related examination methods, and the criteria for evaluating...
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    Hungarian ruling could make credit institutions increasingly liable for AML breaches

    A recent landmark judgment by the Metropolitan Court of Appeal may represent a pivotal shift in the tort liability of credit institutions stemming from violations of anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. According to the court, if a financial institution fails to suspend a suspicious transaction in violation of AML rules and executes a transaction involving funds originating from a criminal act, the financial institution may bear tort liability vis-à-vis the original victim of the fraud.The following article provides a detailed overview of this appellate court decision, and the implications...
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    Hungary introduces new comprehensive laws for NIS2 transposition

    On 20 December 2024, the Hungarian Parliament adopted Act LXIX of 2024 on Cybersecurity in Hungary ("Cybersecurity Act"), which repealed the  partial NIS2 transposition Act XXIII of 2023 on Cybersecurity Certification and Cybersecurity Supervision. The new Cybersecurity Act, which went into effect on 1 January 2025, and Government Decree 418/2024 (XII. 23.) on the implementation of Hungary’s Cybersecurity Act transposes the EU’s NIS2 Directive, introduces additional network and information security requirements and establishes related supervisory and procedural rules.What entities...
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    Hungary makes changes to employment and guest worker residence permits

    The Hungarian government issued Government Decree 450/2024 (XII. 23.) on the employment of guest workers in Hungary, which amends the detailed rules on the issuance of certain residence permits set out in Act XC of 2023 on the General Rules for the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals. In addition, the Minister for National Economy issued Decree NGM 51/2024 (XII. 23.) on the total number of residence permits for employment purposes and guest worker residence permits that can be issued annually in Hungary.These Decrees, which entered into force on 1 January 2025, include the...
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    EDPB Opinion 28/2024: key takeaways on processing personal data in the context of AI models

    On 17 December 2024, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) issued Opinion 28/2024 on certain data protection aspects related to the processing of personal data in the context of AI models, which offered timely guidance on AI issues, addressing questions on the anonymity of AI models, how controllers can demonstrate legitimate interest as a legal basis and how unlawful processing of personal data in the development phase affects the lawfulness operation of the AI model. Introducing new concepts The EDPB provides its own interpretation of certain stages in the AI models’ life cycle, such...
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