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Recent Articles


    Belgium’s new Private Investigation Act: What employers need to know

    The Belgian Private Investigation Act, which will replace the 1991 Act regulating private detective activities, introduces significant changes that employers must address. With the Belgian parliament’s passage of the Act on 8 May 2024, and its publication in the Belgian Official Gazette on 6 December 2024, the Act has come into force and employers should act now to ensure they are compliant.A. Key highlights for employers1. Modernisation of the legal frameworkThe Act reflects advancements in investigation methods and aligns with GDPR standards, safeguarding individual rights while supporting...
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    Hungary amends Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour Safety and Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code

    The Hungarian parliament adopted amendments to Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour Safety and Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code. The amendments to the above Labour Safety Act improve the quality of occupational safety and health, promoting transparency and cooperation between workplace actors. The provisions amending the Labour Code are intended to incorporate into existing legislation necessary amendments to labour law and certain related areas. The amendments will enter into force on 1 January 2025.The following article summarises these changes.1. Amendment of Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour SafetyAccording...
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    The impact of sanctions against Russia at the enforcement stage: How to monetise awards against frozen assets in a nutshell

    Enforcement is often overlooked during the early stages of arbitration proceedings. No party, however, intends to go through the trouble and expense of an arbitration only to end up with an unenforceable award. From the outset of an arbitration, claimants and their counsel should consider whether the assets of their opponents are frozen under any applicable sanctions regime. The release of frozen assets of an award debtor to satisfy an arbitral award requires a specific authorisation from the competent authorities that is granted only under certain conditions (i.e. "Licence"). This article addresses...
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    England and Wales

    Injunction upheld: Balancing protestor rights and public order

    IntroductionIn Thurrock Council and Essex County Council v Adams and Others [2024] EWHC 2750 (KB), the Court decided that an injunction to prevent protest activities carried out by environmental groups, including Just Stop Oil, was necessary and appropriate to protect the public from unlawful activities including obstruction of the highway, trespass and other public nuisances around fuel terminals. This decision focused only on the named Defendants, but a separate review hearing was heard earlier this year dealing with the unnamed Defendants (see Thurrock Council and Essex County Council v Adams...
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    Hungary to introduce new statistical classification for economic activities on 1 January 2025

    As of 1 January 2025, a new version of the statistical industrial classification of activities (NACE’25) will replace the currently applicable classification system (NACE’08). The change was mandated by EU legislation, and as a result from 1 January 2025 economic activities pursued by Hungarian companies must be classified according to the new NACE’25.Hungary’s parliament has just adopted the act outlining the obligations of Hungarian companies regarding the upcoming changes to the activity-classification system specified below.Until 31 January 2025, the National Tax and...
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    Romania removes double taxation of stored electricity from the legal framework

    On 21 November 2024, the Romanian government approved a new Government Emergency Ordinance (GEO 134/2024) promoting the elimination of double charging and stimulating the development of energy storage technologies to ensure the transition to a low-carbon economy by amending Electricity Law 123/2012 and Law no. 220/2008 for the promotion of renewable energy production. This new GEO responds to the significant challenges faced by the National Electricity System due to the lack of storage solutions. In the context of the European Ecological Pact and the commitments under PNIESC (1,200 MW installed...
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