Share Radio interview on Taking Aim: ambition and fear in the UK technology sector

United Kingdom

This article was produced by Nabarro LLP, which joined CMS on 1 May 2017.

I was interviewed on Share Radio about our latest technology report: 'Taking AIM: ambition and fear in the UK technology sector' which can be downloaded below. To hear the full interview click here.

Taking AIM: ambition and fear in the UK technology sector

For US technology companies with “unicorn” ambitions, listing on Nasdaq is seen as a natural step – a means to raise new capital for growth and to realise the investment of early investors.
In the UK, the AIM market, which is designed for growth companies, should offer a similar solution. However, according to our research, tech companies in the UK are less likely to think of AIM as a source of capital or a step towards an exit.Meanwhile, investors would like to see a greater number of tech stocks with a listing on AIM. This report unpicks the contradiction between the appetite of investors and the ambitions and fears of founders. A copy can be downloaded here.