Update: The Media Bill expected to become the Media Act before the general election

United Kingdom

On Wednesday 22nd May 2024, Rishi Sunak surprised many by calling a general election, set to take place just 6 weeks after Wednesday’s announcement, on 4th July. This decision means that Parliament will be prorogued today (24th May), ending this parliamentary session and returning MPs to their constituencies, before it is dissolved on 30th May, marking the official end of this Parliament before the election. All outstanding parliamentary bills must be passed before Parliament is prorogued to become law prior to the election, giving MPs till the end of the day to vote on and pass outstanding bills as part of the “wash-up period” (the term used to describe the period when the Government and Opposition work to pass “high-priority” bills before the end of a Parliament).

The House of Lords discussed their amendments to the Media Bill as part of the Report Stage and 3rd reading yesterday afternoon, where the Bill was adopted with only a couple of small amendments pressed by the Opposition and to which the Government acquiesced. The Bill was returned to the Commons last night, where the surviving Lords amendments were passed unscathed. The Bill now only awaits Royal Assent to become the Media Act. This is expected to take place later today.  

We are keeping a close eye on all developments as they arise and will be updating this Media Bill Tracker later today when we have further information.