1945 Search Results for
  • Published for consultation a draft amendment to the Leniency Notice

    HungaryPolandRomaniaRussiaUnited Kingdom 02.03.2006
    The European Commission has recently published for consultation a new version of its Leniency Notice relating to cartel cases. This new version incorporates some important changes to the leniency programme....
  • Long term gas supply contracts – prohibition decision

    Czech RepublicHungaryPolandRomaniaRussiaUnited Kingdom 03.02.2006
    The German competition authority (Bundeskartellamt) has prohibited the following gas supply contracts of E.ON Ruhrgas with its distributors: already existing contracts which run over a long-term period...
  • PFI subcontracts: doubt cast on effectiveness of Equivalent Project Relief clauses

    Czech RepublicHungaryPolandRomaniaRussiaUnited Kingdom 11.01.2006
    For some time practitioners in the field of PFI have grappled with the issues arising from the application of the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (referred to as the 'Act') to subcontracts...
  • Duties and responsibilities of directors in Europe 2005

    Europe 23.11.2005
    With increased consolidation of business across Europe, executives of multinational groups can find that they are required to become directors of companies in a variety of jurisdictions, often at short...
  • 20 questions for European real estate investors

    International 29.09.2005
    Introduction Investing in real estate across Europe involves a great deal of fact-finding and decision-making. Before an investment decision can be made there are often many questions that need to be answered....
  • Guide to real estate transaction costs in Europe

    Europe 22.07.2005
    With real estate investment opportunities in Europe continuing to grow comparing investment values across Europe provides only part of the picture. For a true comparison, the investor also needs to take...
  • Public services funding – more legal certainty?

    Czech RepublicHungaryPolandRomaniaRussiaUnited Kingdom 19.07.2005
    On 15 July 2005, the European Commission announced that it has adopted a number of measures designed to clarify the application of the state aid rules to the financing of services of general economic interest....
  • 23rd Seaward Oil & Gas Licensing Round and offshore wind farms

    Czech RepublicPolandRomaniaRussiaUnited Kingdom 23.03.2005
    On 10th March 2005, the Secretary of State for Trade & Industry invited applications for Licences in the 23rd Seaward Licensing Rounds, opening up the whole of the North Sea, with a record-breaking...
  • Mediation: harmonisation across Europe

    BulgariaRomaniaUnited Kingdom 30.01.2005
    The recent expansion of the EU added 15 new legal systems to the European mix. Naturally, each new legal system has its own approach to dispute resolution. Since harmonisation has always been a pillar...
  • EU regulates enforcement of consumer protection

    Czech RepublicHungaryPolandRomaniaRussiaUnited Kingdom 23.12.2004
    In a significant stepping up of European enforcement policy, Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 was passed on 27 October 2004 on cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer...