7369 Search Results for
  • EU's Portuguese presidency releases new draft of ePrivacy Regulation

    Europe 13.01.2021
    On 5 January 2021, the Council of the EU – with Portugal serving as the President-in-Office – released a new draft version of the ePrivacy Regulation, which is meant to replace the ePrivacy...
  • Unexpected scale-back of DAC6 tax reporting

    United KingdomScotland 08.01.2021
    HMRC have announced that the UK has scaled back the application of the EU tax disclosure regime referred to as “DAC6” so that only one out of the five EU “hallmarks” believed to...
  • Hungary changes rules for drone operations

    Hungary 06.01.2021
    The rules in Hungary for unmanned aircrafts, commonly known as drones, changed on 1 January 2021. The changes occurred after the 22 December 2020 passage of Act CLXXIX of 2020 on amending certain laws...
  • Turkey: Restrictions to stem the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic are expanded

    Turkiye 29.12.2020
    As explained in our previous E-Alert on Turkey's restrictions against the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, on 20 November 2020, Turkey has again started to implement social measures and restrictions....
  • DAC 6 - Italian Guidelines

    Italy 17.12.2020
    As anticipated in our “Italy implements the DAC 6 Directive” Alert dated August 27, 2020, Ministerial Decree of November 17, 2020 (the Decree) and Ruling 364425 of November 26, 2020 issued...
  • Purpose, not labelling is key to determining whether privilege has been waived

    England & Wales 15.12.2020
    The High Court has held that using the phrase “without waiving privilege” before referring to a privileged document is not effective to preserve privilege. Rather, the court must consider the...
  • Five years after Huawei ZTE FRAND licensing obligations again before the ECJ

    Europe 15.12.2020
    On 26 November 2020, the Düsseldorf Regional Court announced that it would suspend a patent infringement proceeding and refer key questions on compulsory licensing of standard essential patents (SEP)...
  • An overview on cash pooling in China

    China 03.12.2020
    Cash pooling enables corporate groups to minimize banking facilities expenditure through economies of scale. However, cash pooling agreements must be carefully structured in order to minimize the risks...
  • ASA rules against misleading environmental claims

    United KingdomScotland 02.12.2020
    Today the ASA published an adjudication upholding a competitor complaint against meal kit subscription business, Gousto. The complaint Gousto had promoted a new packaging format, the Eco Chill Box, with...
  • Chinese Tax Regulation Update - November 2020

    China 02.12.2020
    The latest development in China Tax Regulation mainly includes: Announcement [2020] No. 42 jointly released by the Ministry of Finance (“MOF”), the State Administration of Taxation (“SAT”)...