Watch On-Demand - Managing Investigations Video Series: The first 24 Hours

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With increased internal reporting of concerns within businesses and with complex regulatory, criminal and HR investigations becoming more commonplace, corporates need an increasingly robust and considered approach to investigations to manage legal and reputational risk. From the set-up of the investigation team, appropriate governance controls, identification of the issues and sources of evidence, through to risk identification and mitigation, there are many competing concerns to consider during the investigation process.

To address some of the common issues corporates encounter when facing an investigation, our latest bitesize video series Managing Investigations: Planning, Pressures and Pitfalls launches today on

Our first video in the series, the first 24 hours, provides top tips to consider at the outset of an investigation to ensure it gets off on the right foot and to protect the integrity of the process, the evidence and against wider risk.

Click below to watch the videocast.