2024 – Topics that may Concern You


In China, companies constantly have to deal with changes in regulations and new laws. This will also continue in 2024.

Topics such as update to the PRC Company Law, adapting Joint Ventures in accordance with the PRC Foreign Investment Law and the PRC Company Law, cross-border data transfer, employment management in the digital age, developments in China's competition law regime etc. will continue to be a concern for most companies in China in 2024. Complying with regulatory requirements is one of the key challenges for foreign companies and investors in China, not only in terms of general compliance, but also in terms of sustainable competitiveness. However, there is also potential here that we can leverage together with you. We are committed to support you in using the existing and developing legal framework to best shape your day-to-day businesses and to maintain your innovative strength.

We have compiled an overview of legal topics which we consider to be or become important in 2024.

Please download the full article to see the details.