4139 Search Results for
  • Amendments to the rules on money laundering in Hungary

    Hungary 17.04.2003
    Act No. XV of 2003 on Preventing and Impeding Money Laundering of the Republic of Hungary (the "Money Laundering Act") (published on 18 March 2003 in Volume 2003/27 of the Official Gazette) will come into...
  • Changes to Russian trademark legislation 2

    Russia 14.04.2003
    On 11 December 2002 the Russian Parliament passed the federal law "Amending the Law on Trademarks, Service Marks and Names of the Origin of Goods" (the "Amendments"). This new law makes substantial changes...
  • Reform of Russia's national rail network moves into next phase

    Russia 31.03.2003
    On 5 March 2003 the federal law on the Particulars of Control and Disposal of Railway Property came into force. This is the final piece of legislation to be passed by the Russian Duma to enable the reform...
  • New 'Protective, Anti-Dumping and Compensation Measures' in Russia

    Russia 27.03.2003
    On 14 March 2003 the Russian State Duma passed the first reading of the Draft Federal Law "On Special Protective, Anti-Dumping and Compensation Measures during Imports of Commodities" (the "Law"), which...
  • The new Civil Procedural Code in Russia

    Russia 17.03.2003
    The new version of the Civil Procedural Code (the "Code") came into force on 1 February 2003 and governs the proceedings of the courts of general jurisdiction, as distinct from the arbitration courts....
  • New safety standards for goods in Russia

    RussiaUnited Kingdom 25.02.2003
    The Russian President has recently signed into law the Federal Law "On Technical Regulations" which outlines new safety standards for Russian and foreign goods produced or sold in Russia. The law, which...
  • New law on outsourcing for Hungarian insurance companies

    Hungary 10.02.2003
    Amendments to Act CXVI of 1995 on Insurance Institutions and the Insurance Business, as amended, of the Republic of Hungary (the "1995 Insurance Act") came into effect on 1 January 2003. The amendments...
  • Trend for privatising the electricity sector continues across Central Europe

    Czech RepublicRomaniaUnited Kingdom 23.01.2003
    Following the approval by the Government of Romania of the privatisation strategy for Electricity Distribution and Supply Companies "Electrica Banat" S.A. and "Electrica Dobrogea" S.A., two of the eight...
  • Higher fees for registering intellectual property are reinstated in Russia

    Russia 13.01.2003
    On 14 January 2002 the Russian Government issued a Resolution on Amending State Fees for Patenting Inventions, Utility Models, Industrial Designs, and Registering Trademarks, Service Marks, and Names of...
  • Language Act comes in to full force in Hungary

    Hungary 08.01.2003
    The Language Act, XCVI of 2001 on the Hungarian language coverage contained in foreign language advertisements, banners and other information of general interest came into partial force on 17 February...