1932 Search Results for
  • A new Employment Act for the Czech Republic

    Czech Republic 12.08.2004
    A new Employment Act will come into force in the Czech Republic on 1 October 2004, along with separate legislation making consequential amendments to a further 55 Acts. Although the new laws mainly regulate...
  • Protection of personal data in the Czech Republic

    Czech Republic 10.08.2004
    From 26 July, 2004, Czech data protection laws have been changed to bring them into line with EU law. The most important changes are: free movement of personal data within the EU Because other member...
  • Patents Act 2004 receives Royal Assent

    United Kingdom 26.07.2004
    Following publication of the Patents Bill on 16th January, the Patents Act 2004 received Royal Assent on 22nd July. The new Act amends the 1977 statute to bring UK law into line with the European Patent...
  • Collaboration between university and sponsor: ownership of copyright

    United Kingdom 19.07.2004
    In the case of Cyprotex Discoveries Ltd ("Cyprotex") v University of Sheffield ("University") the Court of Appeal considered the issue of ownership of intellectual property ("IP") arising as a result of...
  • Recent changes adopted for competition law in the Czech Republic

    Czech Republic 01.07.2004
    The Czech Parliament has recently adopted Amendment no. 340/2004 Coll. to the Czech Act no. 143/2001 Coll., on the Protection of Competition (taking effect from 2 June 2004). The major changes introduced...
  • Amendment to Trade Marks Act 1994

    United Kingdom 29.06.2004
    An important amendment has been made to Section 10(3) of the Trade Marks Act 1994 relating to the test for trade mark infringement which has widened its ambit. This change has been introduced by the Trade...
  • Is there a new law of privacy?

    United Kingdom 14.06.2004
    Naomi Campbell v Mirror Group Newspapers In the first major case to test the balance between freedom of expression in the press and individual privacy since the introduction of the Human Rights Act, the...
  • EU watch: The Czech president approved an amendment to the Czech Foreign Exchange Act

    Czech Republic 01.06.2004
    The Czech president recently approved an amendment to the Czech Foreign Exchange Act. The amendment sets out new rules for foreigners acquiring real estate in the Czech Republic. The major change concerns...
  • Czech Republic: Act on cash payments restriction

    Czech Republic 28.05.2004
    On 1 July 2004, the Act on Cash Payments Restriction, No. 254/2004 (the "Act") will become effective. This Act obliges individuals and legal entities to make payments exceeding EUR 15,000 (or the equivalent...
  • The Czech Parliament has adopted a new Act on Public Procurement

    Czech RepublicUnited Kingdom 24.05.2004
    The Czech Parliament has adopted a new Act on Public Procurement The Czech Parliament has adopted a new Act, No. 40/2004 Coll., on Public Procurement (the "Act"). The Act represents the transposition...