452 Search Results for
  • Pre-pack insolvency sales: the UK approach

    International 27.06.2023
    A “pre-pack” is a sale of all or part of a distressed company’s business or assets, negotiated before the company enters a formal insolvency process and executed by the appointed insolvency...
  • Overview of the competent authorities under MICAR

    International 27.06.2023
    Building on the CMS series of articles “Legal experts on Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation”, this new article describes the powers of the competent authorities of EU member states,...
  • Guide to EU Commission proposal on pre-pack sales in Austria

    International 23.06.2023
    On 7 December 2022, the European Commission published a proposal for a directive for the harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency laws across EU member states. One of the key elements of this proposal...
  • Impact of EU "Pre-pack proceedings" directive in Germany: pre-pack proceeding vs pre-pack plan

    International 21.06.2023
    The EU Commission has presented a draft directive on the mandatory inclusion of a "pre-pack proceeding" in national insolvency laws.On 7 December 2022, the European Commission published a draft directive...
  • ARTs in detail

    International 20.06.2023
    EU regulation MICAR now regulates asset-referenced tokens1. DEFINITION OF ARTSMiCAR defines Asset-referenced tokens (ARTs) as a type of crypto-asset that is not an electronic money token and that...
  • EU proposes Directive on harmonisation of insolvency law

    International 19.06.2023
    The lack of harmonised insolvency laws has long been regarded as one of the greatest obstacles to the free movement of capital in the EU in general and to cross-border investments, insolvency proceedings...
  • The scope of application of the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation

    International 15.06.2023
    In April 2023, the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (MiCAR) was ratified becoming the first regulatory framework for crypto-assets with the strategic goals of protecting consumers, investors and market...
  • EU creates regulatory framework for crypto-asset service providers

    International 14.06.2023
    The EU regulation on markets in crypto-assets (MiCAR) sets down a harmonised regulatory framework for service providers, known as crypto-asset service providers (CASPs), carrying out activities in relation...
  • CMS updates Global Expert Guide to Digital health apps and telemedicine

    International 12.06.2023
    Digitisation is advancing steadily. Its pioneering innovations challenge all parties involved.One of the most important aspects in this area is the huge potential that lies in the digitisation of healthcare.In...
  • Performing services in a decentralised manner under MiCAR

    International 26.05.2023
    At the end of April 2023, the European parliament decided on a uniform regulation of crypto assets across the EU by voting on the MiCA regulation (i.e. markets in crypto-assets). The intended innovations...