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    Ukraine restores mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting

    On 8 January 2025, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a Law of Ukraine No.4187-IX «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Restoration of MRV of GHG Emissions» (Law No. 4187) that aims to put again in force the mandatary registration and reporting requirements in the field of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions established by the Law of Ukraine No.377-IX «On Principles of MRV of GHG emissions» dated 12 December 2019 (Law No. 377).BackgroundBack in January 2021, Ukraine introduced a System of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of GHG emissions, an important...
    United Kingdom

    The Department for Energy Security & Net Zero responds to the second REMA Consultation

    1. REMA Autumn UpdateAmongst the flurry of other policy announcements and consultations, DESNZ published their autumn update on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) in December 2024 (“Autumn Update”) together with a summary of consultation responses to the previous REMA consultation. The Autumn Update provides an update on feedback gathered from the second REMA Consultation of March 2024, and ongoing dialogue with stakeholders. This update is crucial for stakeholders as it outlines potential changes to wholesale market pricing and the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme,...

    Hungarian ruling could make credit institutions increasingly liable for AML breaches

    A recent landmark judgment by the Metropolitan Court of Appeal may represent a pivotal shift in the tort liability of credit institutions stemming from violations of anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. According to the court, if a financial institution fails to suspend a suspicious transaction in violation of AML rules and executes a transaction involving funds originating from a criminal act, the financial institution may bear tort liability vis-à-vis the original victim of the fraud.The following article provides a detailed overview of this appellate court decision, and the implications...

    Show me the H2 money: the Gas Shipper Obligation for funding hydrogen production

    The foundations for various measures to stimulate the UK hydrogen sector, including the Hydrogen Production Business Model (“HPBM”) revenue support regime for hydrogen producers, were laid in the Energy Act 2023 (the “Act”) (see our Hydrogen Guide for background on the HPBM and the emerging hydrogen sector more broadly). An outstanding question remained on how the regime is to be funded.On 16 January 2025, the Department for Energy, Security and Net Zero (“DESNZ”) published a consultation on the design of the Gas Shipper Obligation (“GSO”), a levy...
    England and Wales

    The (roof) space race: key con­side­ra­ti­ons for rooftop solar PV in the logistics sector

    Developers, investors and occupiers of land across a wide range of sectors, including logistics, are increasingly seeing opportunities in the installation of rooftop solar PV apparatus. This comes in the context of a favourable policy environment:the previous Conservative administration introduced permitted development rights for domestic rooftop solar, removed the 1MW limit on solar permitted development rights for non-domestic premises in England in December 2023 and launched a “Solar Taskforce”; andthe Labour Government, in pursuance of a rooftop solar “revolution”, has...
    United Kingdom

    Ofgem launches consultation on evolution of the OFTO tender regime

    On 12 December 2024 Ofgem published its consultation on the extension and evolution of the OFTO tender process. The consultation covers three key areas: (i) extension to OFTO’s Tendered Revenue Stream (TRS) for existing licence holders, (ii) increasing the duration of the original TRS term for future licence-holders, and (iii) other proposals for enhancing the efficiency of the tender process.This builds on a number of previous consultations relating to the regulatory process for OFTO assets which are nearing the end of their original design life and, accordingly, the end of their tender...