Lutte contre la corruption

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eAlerts Récentes

    South Africa

    Understanding South Africa’s Cybercrimes Act

    In today's world, where technology is a big part of our lives, cybercrimes are increasingly impacting individuals, businesses, and governments alike.Even though cybercrime may not have a settled definition, the word itself has become considerably well known. A cybercrime may be defined as any criminal activity that involves a computer and also includes other crimes which were perpetrated even before the widespread use of computers but are now being committed in a cyber environment. These include traditional crimes such as fraud, theft, extortion, child pornography as well as crimes which became...
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    South Africa

    The Rise of AI: Are your data privacy systems future fit?

    Since the dawn of the new millennium, the rate of technological development has progressed at an unprecedented rate, and it has changed the way we live and the way we think. Through the emergence of technological interventions such as the internet, cloud computing and smart phones (amongst others), even the most widely used conventional concepts that define the way we live, become relics of the past in a matter of years, and in some instances, months. The development and prevalence of disruptive, cutting-edge technologies and tools, which are broad based in their scope, has transformed the...
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    United Kingdom

    SFO’s Strategy for 2024-2029 – New Emphasis for the SFO

    The UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has unveiled its strategy for 2024-2029.  The Strategy reads rather more clearly and concisely than many corporate vision-statements of this sort, perhaps reflecting the pragmatic approach of the new Director, Nick Ephgrave QPM. There is considerable , and laudable, emphasis on values, technology and attracting “the brightest and best”.   Here are some of the more interesting highlights:ECCTA and Increased Investigatory PowersPrevious SFO Directors have strongly advocated for law reform, in particular extending the ambit of corporate...
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    Aven v Council (T-301/22) and Fridman v Council (T-304/22)

    IntroductionThe EU and many other countries impose financial sanctions on individuals. These people, who are often wealthy businessmen with ties to particular governments, are “designated” under the relevant sanctions regime. The consequences of such designation are usually dire and, usually, any challenge to such a designation will be extremely difficult.However legal challenges are possible in the EU and other jurisdictions, and sometimes succeed. A recent example is the case of Mikhail Fridman and Petr Aven, who have persuaded a lower court of the EU to overturn their designation...
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    2024 – Topics that may Concern You

    In China, companies constantly have to deal with changes in regulations and new laws. This will also continue in 2024.Topics such as update to the PRC Company Law, adapting Joint Ventures in accordance with the PRC Foreign Investment Law and the PRC Company Law, cross-border data transfer, employment management in the digital age, developments in China's competition law regime etc. will continue to be a concern for most companies in China in 2024. Complying with regulatory requirements is one of the key challenges for foreign companies and investors in China, not only in terms of general compliance,...
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    South Africa

    Key considerations in carrying out an effective forensic due diligence

    There is no doubt that commercial crime is a risk faced by all organisations across all industry sectors. It is, accordingly, critical for organisations to implement meaningful measures to mitigate the risks occasioned by fraudulent and corrupt conduct or practices. As part of these measures, organisations need to ensure that they conduct effective forensic due diligence on their business partners and vendors. This will go a long way in assisting organisations to understand the commercial crime risk that these entities may pose to them.The lack of effective forensic due diligence on business partners...
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