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    Ukraine strengthens National Essential Medicines List framework

    On 21 August 2024, the Ukrainian parliament passed amendments to the legislation governing the National Essential Medicines List (NEML), which fills significant gaps in its regulation and clarifies the role and impact of the NEML on market access, pricing, reimbursement, and the public procurement of medicines in Ukraine.In addition, these amendments provide clearer criteria for listing medicines and introduce important new processes, such as an appeal pathway that will improve transparency and decision-making related to the NEML.Key Amendments to the LegislationThe following is a summary of the...
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    Ukraine adopts regulation on collection and use of human cells and biospecimens for R&D

    On 30 August 2024, Ukraine introduced its first comprehensive regulation governing the collection, storage, and use of human biospecimens for research and development purposes. The regulation, approved under Cabinet of Ministers’ Resolution No. 999, outlines the legal and ethical framework for biobanking activities involving biomedical research, while safeguarding donor rights and data privacy. The regulation is a significant development in supporting Ukraine’s advancement in health sciences and biotechnology.Key Provisions The key provisions of the regulation include the following:Scope:The...
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    Ukraine tightens rules on labelling medicines

    On 21 August 2024, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted amendments to the Law on Medicinal Products as a part of an effort to align Ukrainian legislation with EU regulations, particularly Article 54 of Directive 2001/83/EC. These Amendments, however, introduce stricter rules than the EU legislation.Key provisions of the Amendments:1.    Prohibition on non-compliant labelling:The Amendments strictly prohibit the inclusion of any advertising information or references to entities other than the Marketing Authorisation Holder (MAH) or the manufacturer on the packaging of medicinal...
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    Ukraine launches large-scale privatisation

    The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) has unveiled the Large Privatisation-2024 project, an ambitious initiative to attract strategic investors and stimulate economic growth through the privatisation of state-owned assets.Following the success of small-scale privatisation efforts, this initiative is a key element of Ukraine’s broader economic reform strategy. It aims to enhance transparency, improve efficiency, and drive foreign investment into the country. The key highlights of the privatisation effort are as follows:Top assets for privatisation. The programme has identified several...
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    La création d'un pôle d'innovation visée par le contrôle des concentrations en Belgique

    GB NL
    Le 12 août 2024, l'Autorité belge de la concurrence (ABC) a approuvé l'acquisition du contrôle conjoint de Community Building Arenberg BV par différents acteurs, à savoir Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV), Flanders Make, la ville de Louvain et la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven).Le projet vise à développer un bâtiment de 17 500 m² au sein du parc scientifique d'Arenberg, situé à Louvain. Community Building Arenberg BV construira et gérera un nouveau pôle d'innovation qui proposera des bureaux...
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    United Kingdom

    Labour’s proposal to introduce VAT on private school fees – what are the potential implications?

    A key tax plan of the Labour administration was to impose VAT on private school fees.  Now that the 2024 General Election is behind us and the Labour government are starting to settle into their tenure, what do we know about the proposal and how it will affect the various stakeholders? What are the proposed changes?Labour intends to introduce 20% VAT on education, including vocational training, and boarding services which are provided by private schools from 1 January 2025.  Private schools’ eligibility for charitable rates relief will also be removed. The proposed VAT...
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