5624 Résultats de recherche pour
  • Spending Review: CRC Scheme

    Ecosse 01.10.2010
    Included in the Government Spending Review was the following entry regarding the CRC scheme: "2.108 The CRC Energy Efficiency scheme will be simplified to reduce the burden on businesses, with the first...
  • Goldacre v Nortel Decision

    Ecosse 01.10.2010
    In a recent English case it was held that if leased premises are being occupied by an administrator for the benefit of creditors, rent should be treated as an “expense of the administration”....
  • Landlord's Strategies in Administration

    Ecosse 01.10.2010
    Although the decision in the Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council case strengthens a landlord’s position it does not significantly alter the action which a landlord should take when a tenant...
  • Email Disclaimers - Do They Work?

    Ecosse 01.07.2010
    Businesses all too often add disclaimers to the bottom of their emails. They are included to serve a variety of functions, such as ensuring that the content of the email is identified as confidential,...
  • Transactional Retention

    EcosseRoyaume-Uni 22.06.2010
    Tullis Russell (“TR”) entered into an acquisition agreement to acquire a paper brand from Inveresk. An initial purchase price was paid and provision was made for additional consideration to...
  • Aim of the Plan

    EcosseRoyaume-Uni 22.06.2010
    The Plan focuses on the management of Scotland’s waste for the next ten years and aims to change the way business, individuals and others view and deal with waste. The stated aim of the Plan is...
  • Collateral Warranties: Do They Work?

    Ecosse 01.04.2010
    The recent Court judgement in Scottish Widows Services Ltd v Harmon/CRM Facades Ltd & Ors and Scottish Widows Services Ltd v Kershaw Mechanical Services Ltd & Ors has highlighted the effectiveness...
  • Scottish Devolution: the story continues...

    EcosseRoyaume-Uni 03.03.2010
    St Andrews Day 2009 saw the Scottish Government launch their white paper on Scotland's constitutional future and it promised that a Referendum Bill would be introduced early in 2010. Following on from...
  • How to avoid your own "climategate" scandal

    Ecosse 01.03.2010
    The “climategate” scandal involving the University of East Anglia arose when emails allegedly written by some of the world’s leading climate scientists were stolen by hackers and published...
  • Scotland’s Planning Policy Simplified

    EcosseRoyaume-Uni 11.02.2010
    Scotland’s complex planning system was consolidated into one policy document, which was released on 4 February 2010 in an attempt to make planning in Scotland shorter, efficient and more focused...